Daily Bible Reading

October 7, 2023

Psalm 53(GNT)

God’s Saving Word: Justice and Peace


Psalm 53: Today’s reading is a repeat of Psalm 14 (the reading from October 1), except for verse 5. Once again, we read that those who are fools are described as those who have no respect for God and who fail to obey God’s ways.

Scripture Reading

Human Wickedness[a]

53 Fools say to themselves,
    “There is no God.”
They are all corrupt,
    and they have done terrible things;
    there is no one who does what is right.

God looks down from heaven at people
    to see if there are any who are wise,
    any who worship him.
But they have all turned away;
    they are all equally bad.
Not one of them does what is right,
    not a single one.

“Don’t they know?” God asks.
    “Are these evildoers ignorant?
They live by robbing my people,
    and they never pray to me.”

But then they will become terrified,
    as they have never been before,
    for God will scatter the bones of the enemies of his people.
God has rejected them,
    and so Israel will totally defeat them.

How I pray that victory
    will come to Israel from Zion.
How happy the people of Israel will be
    when God makes them prosperous again!

Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 53:2

God looks down from heaven at people to see if there are any who are wise, any who worship him.


According to verse 5, what is the fate of evildoers? Compare verse 5 with verses 5 and 6 in Psalm 14. What differences can you identify? What are your thoughts about the ideas the writer has conveyed in this psalm?


Merciful God, I seek to worship you daily and do what is right. Whenever I stray, I trust in your steadfast love and know I can return to you and seek your forgiveness. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Micah 1:1‒16: Micah announces the LORD’s judgment of Israel and Judah.

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