From Unreached to Jesus Follower
In what we know as the Great Commission, Jesus told his followers, “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples…” One of our greatest privileges is following this command—to share the gospel with those who are yet far from Christ.
Since 1998, a coalition of ministries has been partnering to introduce unreached people groups to the saving hope of Jesus. Through End-to-End, communities are introduced to the life and lordship of Jesus and then follow a path through attending Scripture listening groups to deepen understanding, receiving a print Bible for their family, and getting connected to other Christians in a new local church community that can grow together in their relationships with the Lord.
Through the support of faithful partners like you, the End-to-End ministry is active in more than 60 countries and has reached more than 20 million people with the good news of the gospel.
End-to-End is a proven process for fulfilling the Great Commission by allowing unreached people to watch, listen to, read, and experience the transformative power of the gospel. Together, we’re bringing people into the Kingdom of God through the Word of God.
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1. Do the people participating in End-to-End have to be a member of our church or any church or ministry?
Not at all. End-to-End is a gospel outreach program, so ideally it is for people who are not yet Christ-followers. Church members are certainly welcomed and may use this as an opportunity to bring a family member, neighbor, friend, or other person to watch a gospel film, join an audio-Bible listening group and more.
2. If a person misses step one (watch a gospel film), can they join in on step two?
Yes, however, step one gives people who are not familiar with the gospel a brief but comprehensive overview of its content and includes an important moment when individuals have an opportunity to respond to the gospel message. This step is highly recommended as a first one, even though it can be revisited at a later time.
3. How many people should be in an audio-Bible listening group?
It is advised that groups be no smaller than ten people and as large as twenty, on average.
4. Can step two (join an audio-Bible listening group) take place anywhere (e.g. community center or home), or does it have to be in a church?
Audio-Bible listening groups can happen anywhere, including a church, a community meeting place, someone’s home and even online if participants agree.
5. How long should the audio-Bible listening groups last when meeting?
Audio-Bible listening group duration will be dependent on how the group structures this. In our experience, groups meet for 90 minutes to two hours, in each case giving equal time for listening and discussing the three reflecting questions. For example, if meeting for 90 minutes, 45 minutes will be listening and 45 minutes will be for reflecting and discussion of the questions.
6. How many weeks does step two (join an audio-Bible listening group) take?
This will be dependent on the duration chosen for each meeting and the frequency of meeting (i.e., once/week or twice/week). On average groups have completed listening to/discussing the New Testament when meeting once weekly, somewhere between 18-24 weeks, when gathering for two hours per meeting.
7. If we choose to use Faith Comes By Hearing’s audio-Bible Proclaimers© listening device, how would we get them?
Simply scroll to the Contact Us form on this page and make your request. Your device will be sent to the shipping address provided. You can also go to on End-to-End website and listen online to the NT in more than 2000 languages.
8. How would we access the gift Bibles and certificates?
American Bible Society is pleased to freely provide the King James or New King James Bible to churches as a grant to parishes and ministries implementing End-to-End in the United States, as gifts to each individual participating in your ministry who completes at least 60 percent of listening to the New Testament Audio-Bible. To do so, feel free to contact us using the form on this page.