Daily Bible Reading
Reflect on God's Life-Changing Message Each Day

Today's Reading | December 6, 2024

Malachi 2:1–17

Introduction Malachi 2:1–17: The priests are admonished for breaking their covenant with God. Husbands are admonished for being unfaithful to their wives. Malachi sees marriage as the same kind of permanent agreement as the one that united God and the people of Israel. Today’s Key Verse: Malachi 2:5a [The LORD Almighty says:] “In my covenant I promised them life and…

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32 CEV
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Latest Daily Bible Readings

December 6, 2024

Malachi 2:1–17

Introduction Malachi 2:1–17: The priests are admonished for breaking their covenant with God. Husbands are admonished for being unfaithful to their wives. Malachi sees marriage as the same kind of permanent agreement as the one that united God and the people of Israel. Today’s Key Verse: Malachi 2:5a [The LORD Almighty says:] “In my covenant I promised them life and…


December 5, 2024

Malachi 1:1–14

Introduction Malachi 1:1–14: The readings for the next four days will be from the book of the prophet Malachi, which was written around 470–440 B.C. after the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. Jerusalem and the Temple had been destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. Following the defeat of the Babylonians by the Persians in 538 B.C., the Temple…


December 4, 2024

Daniel 10:1—11:2a

Introduction Daniel 10:1—11:2a: The book of Daniel offers a hope-filled response during a time when the Jews were suffering under the persecution and oppression of pagan kings. The second half of the book (chapters 7–12) is full of apocalyptic visions, using symbolic language to reveal the meaning behind human history. In today’s reading, an angel gives Daniel a vison of…


December 3, 2024

Luke 21:25–38

Introduction Luke 21:25–38: By means of cosmic signs, Jesus describes the coming of the Son of Man, which Christians interpret as Christ’s Second Coming. Jesus exhorts his followers to remain vigilant and faithful. Today’s Key Verse: Luke 21:27 [Jesus said:] “Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in a cloud with great power and glory.” Reading 25 “There will be…


December 2, 2024

Luke 21:5–24

Introduction Luke 21:5–24: Today’s reading begins a teaching of Jesus about the future (sometimes called the eschatological discourse), including the destruction of Jerusalem and signs of Jesus’s return and the end of the world. In today’s passage, Jesus describes the destruction of the Temple and says that the present time will be one of troubles and persecutions for the disciples.…


December 1, 2024

Psalm 30

Introduction Psalm 30: Today’s reading is a psalm in which the writer praises God for healing and being restored to life. The psalm focuses on the turning of sadness and sorrow to joy and concludes with a promise to thank God forever. Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 30:4 Sing praise to the LORD, all his faithful people! Remember what the Holy…

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“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Matthew 6:11 KJV
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