Thousands of language groups around the world still have little to no access to God’s Word. In a few short years, that number could be zero—thanks to advances in technology and the united efforts of Bible translation organizations, churches, and generous individuals all over the world. Ending Bible poverty will require a lot: training local translators, advances in technology to accelerate translation work, critical supplies such as computers and internet access, and a network of resources for printing and distribution.
When you give to and pray for the Bible translation cause, you join a global movement that is opening God’s Word in countries, cities, and villages around the world. More than 2,000 years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, every person in the world will be able to read the story of God’s love for themselves.
We can see the finish line—if Bible translation teams can just receive the training, computers, and resources they need to begin.
Once equipped with the necessary supplies, translators attend regional symposiums, where they experience and learn best practices from global experts. Years before full Bibles are printed, translators share portions of translated Scripture with waiting communities to gather feedback from those who will use the completed Bibles, build anticipation among local churches, and speed distribution to those who hunger for God’s Word.
But we cannot reach this milestone alone. American Bible Society relies on people like you, as well as the following global networks:
• United Bible Societies, representing over 150 national Bible Societies working in over 200 countries and territories, provides on-the-ground staff and expertise, translating, publishing, and distributing Scripture.
• illumiNations is a collective impact alliance of Bible translation partners collaborating under the Every Tribe Every Nation name – including American Bible Society, Wycliffe and Seed Company – and resource partners working together to see all people gain access to God’s Word in a language they can clearly understand by 2033.
Prayer Points
• Pray for Bible translators on the ground, that God would provide wisdom and strength as they strive to make his Word available in communities worldwide.
• Ask God to provide the training, technology, and support needed for translation teams around the world.
• Pray for the billion people still waiting for access to the Bible in their heart language. Ask God to guide them and provide for them as they wait to read his Word in the language they think in, pray in, and dream in.
• Thank God for the church leaders and generous individuals who make it possible for Bible translators to do their work across the globe.
1 Billion+
People are still waiting for a Bible in their heart language.
Language groups are without any access to Scripture
Sign languages globally to be translated in clearly communicated sign language videos
You will provide a heart language Bible to a patient soul.