March 4, 2022, is World Day of Prayer. On this day, Christians across the globe impact our world, one powerful prayer at a time.
History of World Day of Prayer
World Day of Prayer dates to the 19th century when Christian women of the United States and Canada began engaging in cooperative activities to support women’s involvement in missions around the world.
It all began with personal prayer as well as communal prayer in their mission auxiliaries and associations. Then in 1897, women from six denominations started a united day of prayer for home missions, and in 1912 the Woman’s Board of Foreign Missions called for a united day of prayer for foreign missions. Eventually, the circle of prayer reached the world and World Day of Prayer was birthed in 1927.
Today, World Day of Prayer is celebrated on the first Friday of March each year. This global ecumenical movement led by Christian women invites Christians everywhere to join in prayer and action for peace and justice.
How You Can Pray
Prayer fuels mission. That’s what World Day of Prayer is all about. It’s about praying to the one who empowers us and enables us to fulfill the Great Commission. Without God, our mission can only go so far, but with God we can reach the ends of the earth with the gospel.
That’s why we’re inviting you to join us on World Day of Prayer as we pray that all people will experience God’s love through the Bible. We are believing and praying that:
- God’s Word will reach people in crisis. Victims of war, abuse survivors, veterans, orphans, and people living through the COVID-19 pandemic all experience trauma. Pray that our Trauma Healing Ministry will help hurting people begin the journey of healing through God’s Word.
- God’s Word will reach the unreached. For two billion people, God’s Word does not exist in the language they speak every day. Millions of others are cut off from God’s Word due to barriers such as poverty, illiteracy, disability, or oppression. Pray that we will eradicate Bible poverty in all its forms, reaching every person with the good news of the gospel.
- God’s Word will reach fellow Americans. Pray that we would see our own nation transformed by the power of God’s Word as our neighbors rediscover our biblical roots.