Illness can be an extremely stressful and terrifying experience. It’s often even worse when you are not the person who is sick. While you wait on doctors to run tests or sit by your loved one’s bedside, maintaining a constant vigil, you often feel helpless. There is little you can do to change the situation, or give the sick person relief from pain.

Whether the illness is short or drawn out over years, the experience is exhausting. The Psalms offer comfort in the midst of difficult seasons like these, because they are the prayers of people who are in distress. The writers know heartache and suffering, and they also know the God who hears their prayers. The Psalms are their heartfelt cries to God for help, for comfort, for reassurance.

I pray that as you read and meditate on these Psalms today, you will be reminded of the hope and peace that God provides.

  1. Psalm 23:1-3
    The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet ponds of fresh water He gives me new strength He guides me in the right paths, as he has promised.
  2. Psalm 6:2, 3
    I am worn out, O Lord; have pity on me! Give me strength; I am completely exhausted and my whole being is deeply troubled. How long, O Lord, will you wait to help me?
  3. Psalm 91:1-4
    Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, can say to him, “You are my my defender and protector. You are my God; in you I trust.” He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from deadly diseases He will cover you with his wings; you will be safe in his care; his faithfulness will protect and defend you.
  4. Psalm 28:7-9
    The Lord protects and defends me; I trust in him. He gives me help and makes me glad; I praise him with joyful songs. The Lord protects his people; he defends and saves his chosen king. Save your people, Lord, and bless those who are yours. Be their shepherd, and take care of them forever.