Before I married my wife, I craved the opportunity to live alone. I held tightly to a vision of complete independence: going to bed and waking up when I wanted, outfitting my space with all the sports memorabilia in my collection, coming home from work and taking time to myself. It all sounded desirable—until I moved into my own apartment.

Just a few days into my experience, I found myself alone on Saturday morning, wondering what to do with my day. I had no agenda, and I felt lonely. I can even remember rummaging through my kitchen, searching for something—anything—I needed from the store, just so I could interact with people. In my quest to find more alone time (and more independence), I accidentally isolated myself from everyone around me. I desperately needed a friend.

Can you relate?

Maybe you recently moved to a new city and everything feels unfamiliar. You’re surrounded by new neighbors, new co-workers, new restaurants and new shops. You’re excited about the opportunities ahead, but can’t help but wonder when you’ll start building meaningful friendships—or at the very least, one meaningful friendship.

Maybe you feel distant from your spouse and fear the future of your marriage. You long for someone to talk to, for a listening ear and an encouraging word. But as you scroll through the contacts on your phone, you can’t find anyone you trust enough to hear your story.

Or maybe your family responsibilities have left with you no “you time.” You love your spouse and children dearly, but it’s been months since you last connected with your closest friends. When the weekend arrives, you feel out of touch with anyone beyond the walls of your home.

Have you been here before?

If you desperately need a friend today, you can open your Bible and meditate on God’s Word for comfort and assurance. These five Bible verses will get you started:

  1. Psalm 139:7-10 (GNTD)
    Where could I go to escape from you? Where could I get away from your presence?  If I went up to heaven, you would be there; if I lay down in the world of the dead, you would be there. If I flew away beyond the east or lived in the farthest place in the west, you would be there to lead me, you would be there to help me.
  2. Deuteronomy 31:6 (GNTD)
    Be determined and confident. Do not be afraid of them. Your God, the Lord himself, will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.
  3. Philippians 4:6-7 (GNTD)
    Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.
  4. John 14:27 (GNTD)
    Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.
  5. Romans 15:13 (GNTD)
    May God, the source of hope, fill you with all joy and peace by means of your faith in him, so that your hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.