Will the coronavirus ever go away? How much longer will this last? I think it’s safe to say we’re all hoping it ends sooner rather than later.

But with every passing day, it feels like there’s a growing storm raging within us. Waves of fear, worry, and anxiety threaten to overtake us.

In this place of stress, Jesus offers us his peace and comfort.

Jesus Calms Our Fears

In Matthew 14, the disciples were on a boat on the Sea of Galilee when a violent windstorm struck. Waves began to spill over into their boat, and it was about to sink. Can you imagine how the disciples must have felt knowing that any moment now they were about to drown?

That’s when they did something remarkable! They turned to Jesus for help. Jesus commanded the wind and the waves to stop, and there was a great calm.

Jesus wants to calm your fears in the midst of this COVID-19 storm. Turn to him in prayer to ease the winds of anxiety and waves of despair. Lay every worry at his feet because he cares for you.

Read this Psalm to fill your heart with God’s peace.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd;

I have everything I need.

He lets me rest in fields of green grass

and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.

He gives me new strength.

He guides me in the right paths,

as he has promised.

Even if I go through the deepest darkness,

I will not be afraid, Lord,

for you are with me.

Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.

You prepare a banquet for me

where all my enemies can see me;

you welcome me as an honored guest

and fill my cup to the brim.

I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;

and your house will be my home as long as I live.