In the last five years, Scripture has been translated in 270 languages used by more than 1.7 billion people around the world. Amazingly, that’s a fifth of the world’s populaton who now have access to the life-changing message of the gospel in the language they think, speak, and dream in.
This incredible feat was accomplished by a global network of Bible Societies operating in more than 240 countries and territories. These Bible Societies are dedicated to making the Scriptures available in every language.
And for the first time in history, this is a realistic goal in our generation.
Unprecedented Momentum in Bible Translation
Scripture is being translated at a faster pace than ever before thanks to increasing collaboration and shared tools, resources, and processes. Bible translation teams are increasingly publishing portions of Scripture as they are completed in order to put them into the hands of the community faster.
And God’s Word is reaching the four corners of the earth!
In Malawi, Ellomwe speakers marched around the town of Chiringa, carrying a giant replica of the new Bible to symbolize the arrival of God’s Word in their midst. In Myanmar, the Rev. Thang Ngai Om, a translator, wept as he held the first Bible in his language – Cho Chin. Years of traveling long distances between his home and the translation office, and taking great risks in crossing flooded rivers in the rainy season, had all been worth it, he said through his tears.
Praise God! Many are experiencing God speaking to them for the first time through his Word.
Let’s Thank God Together:
God, we pray that as people receive Scripture in their own language that it will transform them. We also pray that you will provide strength and endurance for Bible translation teams striving to make God’s Word available in communities worldwide.