Psalm 105:1 (GNT) says, “Give thanks to the LORD, proclaim his greatness; tell the nations what he has done.”

We have so many reasons to give thanks to God—from his everlasting love to miraculous provisions when we call on his name!

The American Bible Society prayer community, representing 35,000 partners across 25 nations, joined us in praying for miracles on behalf of global Bible ministry last year.

We watched God move powerfully in response to the needs we shared with you.

Thank you for praying with us!

We believe the God-sightings we witnessed were made possible through your fervent prayers. With overflowing joy and gratitude, we invite you to celebrate answered prayers with us!

Listen to the latest Prayer Snapshot episode to learn how many Bibles were provided and lives were touched with the gospel throughout last year, as featured in our 2021 Prayer Impact Report. To learn more and join us in giving praise, click below.