One of the most quoted Bible verses in the New Testament is Romans 8:28 (GNT), “We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.”
Very often this verse is shared with those who are suffering or going through a difficult time. But what exactly does this verse mean? Does it mean that as a follower of Jesus, God is going to miraculously come and fix everything? Or that he is going to suddenly take all our pain away and we’ll never have to endure any more difficulties?
In this episode of the Prayer Snapshot, the American Bible Society Prayer Team delves further into this popular verse. We explore the “good” that God is trying to bring about in our lives. And we pray for those suffering pain from the past year, that they may feel God’s work of peace and comfort in their hearts.
Don’t miss this encouraging episode.