By reading this guide’s short Scripture selections each day for a year, you will gain a greater knowledge and love for God and his written Word.
Day 1 Genesis 1.1—2.4 A Story of Creation
Day 2 Genesis 2.5-25 The Garden of Eden
Day 3 Genesis 3.1-24 The Trouble with Sin
Day 4 Genesis 4.1-16 The First Murder
Day 5 Genesis 6.1-22 God Warns Noah about a Coming Flood
Day 6 Genesis 7.1-24 The Flood Comes
Day 7 Genesis 8.1-19 The Floodwaters Dry Up
Day 8 Genesis 9.1-17 God’s Promise to Noah
Day 9 Genesis 17.1-27 A Promise to Abraham and Sarah
Day 10 Genesis 22.1-19 The LORD Tests Abraham
Day 11 Genesis 32.22-32 Jacob’s Name Is Changed to Israel
Day 12 Genesis 37.1-11 Joseph and His Brothers
Day 13 Genesis 37.12-36 Joseph Is Taken to Egypt
Day 14 Genesis 41.1-36 Joseph Interprets the King’s Dreams
Day 15 Genesis 41.37-57 Joseph Is Made Governor of Egypt
Day 16 Genesis 42.1-24 Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt
Day 17 Genesis 43.1-34 Joseph’s Brothers Return to Egypt
Day 18 Genesis 45.1-28 Joseph Sends for Jacob
Day 19 Genesis 46.1-7,28-34 Jacob and His Family Go to Egypt
Day 20 Exodus 1.1-22 The People of Israel Suffer in Egypt
Day 21 Exodus 2.1-25 Moses Escapes from Egypt
Day 22 Exodus 3.1-22 God Speaks to Moses
Day 23 Exodus 4.1-23,27-31 Moses Performs Miracles
Day 24 Exodus 5.1—6.13 The LORD Promises To Free the People of Israel
Day 25 Exodus 12.31-42 The People of Israel Leave Egypt
Day 26 Exodus 14.1-31 The Hebrews Cross the Red Sea
Day 27 Exodus 15.1-21 Songs of Deliverance
Day 28 Exodus 16.1-36 Food from Heaven
Day 29 Exodus 20.1-17 The Ten Commandments
Day 30 Exodus 23.20-33 A Promise and a Warning
Day 31 Leviticus 25.8-34 The Year of Celebration
Day 32 Leviticus 25.35-43 Help the Poor
Day 33 Numbers 6.22-27 A Blessing for the People
Day 34 Numbers 11.4-15 The People Grumble about Being Hungry
Day 35 Numbers 13.1-24 Twelve Men Are Sent To Explore Canaan
Day 36 Numbers 13.25-33 The Twelve Spies Report Back
Day 37 Numbers 20.1-13 The LORD Provides Water from a Rock
Day 38 Numbers 22.2-21 King Balak of Moab and the Prophet Balaam
Day 39 Numbers 22.22-35 Balaam and His Donkey
Day 40 Numbers 23.1-26 Balaam’s First Two Messages
Day 41 Numbers 23.27–24.25 Balaam’s Final Messages
Day 42 Deuteronomy 6.1-9 Listen to This
Day 43 Deuteronomy 6.10-25 Worship Only the LORD
Day 44 Deuteronomy 8.1-20 The LORD Cares
Day 45 Deuteronomy 16.1-8 Remembering How God Rescued His People
Day 46 Deuteronomy 26.1-11 The LORD’s Share of Your Harvest
Day 47 Deuteronomy 30.1-20 Choose Life
Day 48 Deuteronomy 32.1-43 The Song of Moses
Day 49 Joshua 1.1-9 Joshua Becomes Israel’s Leader
Day 50 Joshua 3.1-17 The People of Israel Cross the Jordan River
Day 51 Joshua 5.13–6.20 The Capture of Jericho
Day 52 Joshua 24.1-28 We Will Worship and Obey the LORD
Day 53 Judges 2.6-19 Israel’s Disobedience
Day 54 Judges 4.1-24 Deborah and Barak
Day 55 Judges 5.1-31 Deborah’s Song
Day 56 Judges 6.11-24 Gideon Will Defeat the Midianites
Day 57 Judges 6.33-40 Gideon Needs Proof from the LORD
Day 58 Judges 16.1-20 Delilah Tricks Samson
Day 59 Judges 16.21-31 Samson’s Strength Returns
Day 60 Ruth 1.1-22 Ruth and Naomi
Day 61 Ruth 2.1-23 Ruth Meets Boaz
Day 62 Ruth 3.1-18 Boaz Promises to Take Care of Ruth
Day 63 Ruth 4.12-22 Ruth and Boaz Are Married
Day 64 1 Samuel 1.1-20 The Prophet Samuel Is Born
Day 65 1 Samuel 2.1-10 Hannah’s Song
Day 66 1 Samuel 3.1-18 The LORD Speaks to Samuel
Day 67 1 Samuel 4.1-11 The Philistines Capture the Sacred Chest
Day 68 1 Samuel 5.1-10 God Punishes the Philistines
Day 69 1 Samuel 5.11—6.18 The Sacred Chest Is Returned
Day 70 1 Samuel 8.1-22 Israel Demands a King
Day 71 1 Samuel 10.17-27 Saul Is Chosen To Be Israel’s First King
Day 72 1 Samuel 12.1-25 Samuel’s Farewell Speech
Day 73 1 Samuel 13.1-16 King Saul Disobeys the LORD
Day 74 1 Samuel 16.1-13 David Is Chosen To Be King
Day 75 1 Samuel 17.41-54 David Kills Goliath
Day 76 1 Samuel 18.6-16 King Saul Tries to Kill David
Day 77 1 Samuel 24.1-22 David Lets the King Live
Day 78 1 Samuel 31.1-13 King Saul Dies in Battle
Day 79 2 Samuel 1.17-27 David Mourns the Death of Saul
Day 80 2 Samuel 5.1-12 David Makes Jerusalem the Capital of His Kingdom
Day 81 2 Samuel 6.1-19 King David Brings the Sacred Chest to Jerusalem
Day 82 2 Samuel 7.1-17 The LORD’s Message for King David
Day 83 2 Samuel 11.1-27 King David and Bathsheba
Day 84 2 Samuel 12.1-15 The Prophet Nathan Confronts King David
Day 85 1 Kings 3.1-15 The LORD Gives King Solomon Wisdom
Day 86 1 Kings 3.16-28 King Solomon’s Wise Decision
Day 87 1 Kings 8.1-21 The Sacred Chest Is Brought to the Temple
Day 88 1 Kings 9.1-9 The LORD Warns King Solomon about Disobedience
Day 89 1 Kings 11.1-13 King Solomon Disobeys the LORD
Day 90 1 Kings 12.1-20 The Northern Tribes Rebel
Day 91 1 Kings 17.8-16 Elijah Helps a Widow
Day 92 1 Kings 17.17-24 Elijah Brings a Boy Back to Life
Day 93 1 Kings 19.9-18 The LORD Speaks to Elijah
Day 94 2 Kings 5.1-19 Elisha Heals Naaman
Day 95 2 Kings 17.5-23 Samaria Is Destroyed
Day 96 2 Kings 23.4-20 Josiah’s Religious Reforms
Day 97 2 Kings 25.1-21 The Babylonians Destroy Jerusalem
Day 98 Ezra 1.1-11 Cyrus of Persia Lets the Jews Return Home
Day 99 Ezra 3.7-13 Rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple begins
Day 100 Nehemiah 1.1-11 Nehemiah Prays for Jerusalem
Day 101 Nehemiah 2.1-10 Nehemiah Goes to Jerusalem
Day 102 Nehemiah 9.6-37 The People Pray at the Rebuilt Walls of Jerusalem
Day 103 Job 1.1-22 Job Loses Everything
Day 104 Job 3.20-26 Job Curses His Own Life
Day 105 Job 10.1-22 Job Complains to God
Day 106 Job 17.1-16 Job Asks God for Help
Day 107 Job 31.16-40 Job Recalls His Innocence
Day 108 Job 38.1-30 The LORD Questions Job
Day 109 Job 38.31-41 The LORD Controls All of Nature
Day 110 Job 40.1-14 Job Answers the LORD All-Powerful
Day 111 Job 41.1-17 The Mighty Sea Monster
Day 112 Job 42.1-17 A Happy Ending for Job
Day 113 Psalm 1.1-6 Obey the LORD
Day 114 Psalm 8 The Wonderful Name of the LORD
Day 115 Psalm 19.1-14 The Law of the LORD Is Perfect
Day 116 Psalm 22.1-22 Suffering and Praise (part 1)
Day 117 Psalm 22.23-31 Suffering and Praise (part 2)
Day 118 Psalm 23.1-6 God’s People Are Never in Need
Day 119 Psalm 28.1-9 The LORD Is a Strong Shield
Day 120 Psalm 39.1-13 A Prayer for Forgiveness
Day 121 Psalm 42.1-11 Facing Discouragement
Day 122 Psalm 46.1-11 God Is a Mighty Fortress
Day 123 Psalm 88.1-18 A Prayer for Help
Day 124 Psalm 96.1-13 Sing a New Song to the LORD
Day 125 Psalm 119.1-16 In Praise of the Law of the LORD
Day 126 Psalm 119.97-112 The LORD’s Word Is a Lamp
Day 127 Psalm 136.1-26 God’s Love Never Fails
Day 128 Psalm 148.1-14 All Creation Praises the LORD
Day 129 Proverbs 9.1-18 Wisdom and Foolishness
Day 130 Proverbs 11.1-11 It’s Wise To Be Honest
Day 131 Proverbs 18.1-19 Wise sayings about Foolishness
Day 132 Ecclesiastes 3.1-8 Everything Has Its Time
Day 133 Isaiah 3.1-15 Judgment on Jerusalem and Judah
Day 134 Isaiah 6.1-13 The LORD Purifies and Calls the
Prophet Isaiah
Day 135 Isaiah 30.8-17 Israel’s Sin Is Like a Crack in a Wall
Day 136 Isaiah 40.1-11 Encouragement for God’s People
Day 137 Isaiah 40.21-31 Trust the LORD
Day 138 Isaiah 60.1-9 Jerusalem’s People Are Coming Home
Day 139 Isaiah 65.17-25 A New Day for Jerusalem
Day 140 Jeremiah 2.22-28 Don’t Worship Idols
Day 141 Jeremiah 3.12-20 The LORD Is Merciful
Day 142 Jeremiah 7.1-15 Jeremiah’s Temple Sermon
Day 143 Jeremiah 23.1-8 Hope for a Return Home
Day 144 Jeremiah 29.1-14 Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles in Babylonia
Day 145 Jeremiah 31.31-37 A New Agreement with Israel and Judah
Day 146 Lamentations 3.1-24 There Is Still Hope
Day 147 Ezekiel 11.1-13 Ezekiel Condemns Jerusalem’s Leaders
Day 148 Ezekiel 34.1-16 The LORD Is the Good Shepherd
Day 149 Ezekiel 37.1-14 Dry Bones Live Again
Day 150 Ezekiel 47.1-12 The Stream Flowing from the New Temple
Day 151 Daniel 6.1-24 Daniel in a Pit of Lions
Day 152 Hosea 11.1-11 God’s Love for Israel
Day 153 Joel 2.18-23 The LORD Will Work Wonders
Day 154 Amos 5.10-15 Choose Good and Not Evil
Day 155 Amos 7.1-9 Visions of Coming Punishment
Day 156 Jonah 1.1-17 Jonah Runs from the LORD
Day 157 Jonah 2.1-10 Jonah Prays
Day 158 Jonah 3.1-10 Jonah Goes to Nineveh
Day 159 Jonah 4.1-11 Jonah Complains to the LORD
Day 160 Micah 2.1-11 Powerful Leaders Are Condemned
Day 161 Micah 6.6-8 See that Justice Is Done
Day 162 Nahum 1.1-6 The Fierce Anger of the LORD
Day 163 Habakkuk 3.1-15 Habakkuk Praises the LORD’s Power
Day 164 Zephaniah 3.8-13 Nations Will Serve the LORD
Day 165 Haggai 2.1-9 A Glorious New Temple
Day 166 Zechariah 8.1-17 Jerusalem Will Be at Peace
Day 167 Malachi 2.1-17 False Priests Have Disobeyed the LORD
Day 168 Malachi 4.1-6 The Day of Judgment
Day 169 Matthew 2.1-12 Wise Men Come To See Jesus
Day 170 Matthew 3.13—4.11 Jesus Is Baptized and Tested
Day 171 Matthew 5.1-12 God’s Blessings
Day 172 Matthew 5.13-16 Salt and Light
Day 173 Matthew 5.21-26,38-42 Jesus Teaches about Anger and Revenge
Day 174 Matthew 5.43—6.4 Love and Giving
Day 175 Matthew 6.5-15 Jesus Teaches His Disciples To Pray
Day 176 Matthew 6.19-21,24-34 Putting God First
Day 177 Matthew 7.1-6 Jesus Warns about Judging Others
Day 178 Matthew 7.7-12 Seeing God’s Blessings
Day 179 Matthew 7.15-23 Warnings about False Prophets
Day 180 Matthew 9.9-13; 10.1-4 Jesus Chooses Twelve To Be His Apostles
Day 181 Matthew 14.22-33 Jesus Walks on Water
Day 182 Matthew 15.21-28 A Canaanite Woman’s Faith
Day 183 Matthew 18.6-9; 19.13-15 Being a Follower of Jesus
Day 184 Matthew 22.15-22 A Question about Paying Taxes
Day 185 Matthew 22.23-33 Life in the Future World
Day 186 Matthew 22.34-40 The Most Important Commandment
Day 187 Matthew 24.1-14 Jesus Warns about the Trouble that Will Come
Day 188 Matthew 24.15-31 A Time of Suffering before the Son of Man Appears
Day 189 Matthew 24.36-44 No One Knows the Day or Time
Day 190 Matthew 25.1-13 A Story about Ten Girls
Day 191 Matthew 25.14-30 A Story about Three Servants
Day 192 Matthew 26.1-16 Jesus Is Honored and Betrayed
Day 193 Matthew 26.17-25 The Last Supper (part 1)
Day 194 Matthew 26.26-35 The Last Supper (part 2)
Day 195 Matthew 26.36-46 Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
Day 196 Matthew 26.47-56 Jesus Is Arrested
Day 197 Matthew 26.57-68 Jesus Is Questioned by the Council
Day 198 Matthew 26.69-75 Peter Says He Doesn’t Know Jesus
Day 199 Matthew 27.1-14 Jesus and Pontius Pilate
Day 200 Matthew 27.15-26 Jesus Is Sentenced To Die
Day 201 Matthew 27.27-44 Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross
Day 202 Matthew 27.45-56 The Death of Jesus
Day 203 Matthew 27.57-66 Jesus Is Buried
Day 204 Matthew 28.1-10 Jesus Is Alive
Day 205 Matthew 28.16-20 What Jesus’ Followers Must Do
Day 206 Mark 1.1-8 The Preaching of John the Baptist
Day 207 Mark 1.21-28 A Man with Evil Spirits
Day 208 Mark 2.1-12 Jesus Heals a Crippled Man
Day 209 Mark 3.20-30 Jesus and the Ruler of Demons
Day 210 Mark 4.35-41 A Storm on Lake Galilee
Day 211 Mark 5.1-20 Another Man with Evil Spirits
Day 212 Mark 5.21-43 Jesus Heals a Dying Girl and a Sick Woman
Day 213 Mark 6.14-29 The Death of John the Baptist
Day 214 Mark 7.1-13 Jesus Challenges the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law
Day 215 Mark 7.14-23 What Really Makes People Unclean
Day 216 Mark 7.31-37 Jesus Heals a Deaf Man
Day 217 Mark 9.14-29 Jesus Heals a Boy
Day 218 Mark 9.33-41 Humility and Being a Disciple of Christ
Day 219 Mark 10.35-45 The Request of James and John
Day 220 Mark 10.46-52 Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus
Day 221 Mark 11.15-19 Jesus in the Temple
Day 222 Mark 11.27-33 A Question about Jesus’ Authority
Day 223 Mark 12.41-44 A Widow’s Offering
Day 224 Luke 1.26-38 An Angel Tells about the Birth of Jesus
Day 225 Luke 1.39-56 Mary and Elizabeth Rejoice in God’s Goodness
Day 226 Luke 2.1-21 The Birth of Jesus
Day 227 Luke 2.41-52 The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Day 228 Luke 4.14-30 Jesus Begins His Work in Galilee
Day 229 Luke 7.1-10 Jesus Heals an Army Officer’s Servant
Day 230 Luke 7.11-17 Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son to Life
Day 231 Luke 8.1-3; 10.38-42 Women Who Helped Jesus
Day 232 Luke 8.4-15 A Story about a Farmer
Day 233 Luke 9.22-27 Jesus Speaks about His Suffering and Death
Day 234 Luke 9.28-36 The True Glory of Jesus
Day 235 Luke 10.1-12,17-20 The Work of the Seventy-Two Followers
Day 236 Luke 10.25-37 The Good Samaritan
Day 237 Luke 12.13-21 A Story about a Rich Fool
Day 238 Luke 13.18-30 Stories about God’s Kingdom
Day 239 Luke 14.7-14 How To Be a Guest
Day 240 Luke 14.15-24 A Story about a Great Banquet
Day 241 Luke 15.1-10 Celebrate the Return of Something Lost
Day 242 Luke 15.11-32 A Story about Two Sons
Day 243 Luke 16.1-13 A Story about a Dishonest Manager
Day 244 Luke 16.19-3 Lazarus and the Rich Man
Day 245 Luke 17.11-19 Jesus Heals Ten Men with Leprosy
Day 246 Luke 18.1-8 A Story about a Widow and a Judge
Day 247 Luke 18.18-30 Jesus Answers a Ric h and Important Man
Day 248 Luke 19.1-10 Jesus Calls Out to Zacchaeus
Day 249 Luke 19.28-44 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Day 250 Luke 20.9-19 A Story about Renters of a Vineyard
Day 251 Luke 24.13-35 Jesus Appears to Two Disciples
Day 252 John 1.1-18 Jesus Is the Word of Life
Day 253 John 2.1-12 Jesus Turns Water into Wine
Day 254 John 3.1-21 Jesus and Nicodemus
Day 255 John 4.3-26 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
Day 256 John 5.1-18 Jesus Heals a Sick Man
Day 257 John 5.19-30 The Son’s Authority
Day 258 John 6.1-15 Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
Day 259 John 6.28-40 The Bread that Gives Life
Day 260 John 8.2-11 Jesus Helps a Woman Caught in Sin
Day 261 John 8.12-20; 12.44-50 Jesus Is the Light of the World
Day 262 John 11.1-16 The Death of Jesus’ Frie nd Lazarus
Day 263 John 11.17-44 Jesus Brings Lazarus to Life
Day 264 John 13.1-20 Jesus Washes the Feet of His Disciples
Day 265 John 14.1-14 Jesus Is the Way to the Father
Day 266 John 14.15-31 The Holy Spirit Is Promised to Jesus’ Disciples
Day 267 John 15.1-17 Jesus Is the True Vine
Day 268 John 16.1-15 The Work of the Holy Spirit
Day 269 John 17.1-19 Jesus Prays for His Followers (part 1)
Day 270 John 17.20-26 Jesus Prays for His Followers (part 2)
Day 271 John 20.24-29 Jesus and Thomas
Day 272 John 21.15-19 Jesus Questions Peter
Day 273 Acts 1.1-11 Jesus Is Taken to Heaven
Day 274 Acts 1.12-26 Someone To Take the Place of Judas
Day 275 Acts 2.1-13 The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Day 276 Acts 2.14-42 Peter Speaks to the Crowd
Day 277 Acts 2.43-47; 4.32-37 Life among the Lord’s Followers
Day 278 Acts 3.1-10 Peter and John Heal a Lame Man
Day 279 Acts 3.11-26 Peter Speaks in the Temple
Day 280 Acts 5.1-11 Peter Condemns Ananias and Sapphira
Day 281 Acts 5.17-42 Trouble for the Apostles
Day 282 Acts 6.1-7 Seven Leaders for the Church
Day 283 Acts 6.8-15 An Important Church Leader Is Arrested
Day 284 Acts 7.1-16 Stephen’s Speech (part 1)
Day 285 Acts 7.17-53 Stephen’s Speech (part 2)
Day 286 Acts 7.54—8.3 The Death of Stephen
Day 287 Acts 8.26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Official
Day 288 Acts 9.1-19 Saul Becomes a Follower of the Lord
Day 289 Acts 9.19-3 Paul Begins Telling People about Jesus
Day 290 Acts 9.36-43 Peter Brings Dorcas Back to Life
Day 291 Acts 10.1-24 Peter and Cornelius (part 1)
Day 292 Acts 10.25-48 Peter and Cornelius (part 2)
Day 293 Acts 11.19-30 The Church in Antioch
Day 294 Acts 12.6-19 Peter Is Rescued
Day 295 Acts 14.8-20 Paul and Barnabas in Lystra
Day 296 Acts 15.3-21 The Church Leaders Meet in Jerusalem
Day 297 Acts 16.11-15 Lydia Becomes a Follower of the Lord
Day 298 Acts 16.16-26 Paul and Silas Are Put in Jail (part 1)
Day 299 Acts 16.27-40 Paul and Silas Are Put in Jail (part 2)
Day 300 Acts 17.16-34 Paul in Athens
Day 301 Acts 19.21-41 Trouble for Paul in Ephesus
Day 302 Acts 20.17-38 Paul Says Good-By to the Church Leaders of Ephesus
Day 303 Acts 21.17-26 Paul Visits James
Day 304 Acts 22.30—23.11 Paul Is Tried by the Council
Day 305 Acts 23.12-22 A Plot To Kill Paul
Day 306 Acts 25.1-12 Paul Asks To Be Tried by the Roman Emperor
Day 307 Acts 27.1-12 Paul Is Taken to Rome
Day 308 Acts 27.13-38 Paul Faces a Storm at Sea
Day 309 Acts 27.39—28.10 Paul Is Shipwrecked near Malta
Day 310 Acts 28.16-31 Paul in Rome
Day 311 Romans 5.1-11 What It Means To Be Acceptable to God
Day 312 Romans 8.1-17 Living by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Day 313 Romans 8.18-30 A Wonderful Future for God’s People
Day 314 Romans 8.31-39 God’s Love Is Sure
Day 315 Romans 12.1-8 Christ Brings New Life
Day 316 Romans 12.9-21 Rules for Christian Living
Day 317 Romans 13.8-10; 15.1-6 Putting Others First
Day 318 1 Corinthians 1.18-31 Christ Is God’s Power and Wisdom
Day 319 1 Corinthians 2.1-16 God’s Spirit Brings Wisdom and Blessings
Day 320 1 Corinthia ns 12.1-11 Spiritual Gifts for God’s People
Day 321 1 Corinthians 12.12-31 The Body of Christ in the World
Day 322 1 Corinthians 13.1-13 Love Never Fails
Day 323 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 Christ Was Raised to Life
Day 324 1 Corinthians 15.12-34 God’s People Will Be Raised to Life
Day 325 1 Corinthians 15.35-58 What Our Bodies Will Be Like
Day 326 2 Corinthians 4.16—5.10 Faith in the Lord
Day 327 2 Corinthians 5.11—6.11 Bringing People to God
Day 328 Galatians 1.11—2.10 How Paul Became an Apostle
Day 329 Galatians 5.16-26 What People Desire and What God’s Spirit Offers
Day 330 Galatians 6.1-10 Help Each Other
Day 331 Ephesians 1.3-14 Christ Brings Spiritual Blessings
Day 332 Ephesians 2.1-10 From Death to Life
Day 333 Ephesians 3.14-21 Christ’s Love for His Followers
Day 334 Ephesians 4.17-24 The Old Life and the New Life
Day 335 Ephesians 5.6-20 Living as People of Light
Day 336 Ephesians 6.10-20 The Fight against Evil
Day 337 Philippians 2.1-11 True Humility
Day 338 Philippians 3.12-21 Running toward the Goal
Day 339 Philippians 4.4-9 Always Be Glad because of the Lord
Day 340 Colossians 1.9-23 The Person and Work of Christ
Day 341 1 Thessalonians 4.13–5.11 The Lord’s Coming
Day 342 1 Timothy 2.1-8 The Power of Prayer
Day 343 1 Timothy 6.3-10 False Teaching and True Wealth
Day 344 1 Timothy 6.11-19 Fighting a Good Fight for the Faith
Day 345 2 Timothy 2.1-13 A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus
Day 346 2 Timothy 2.14-26 How To Be an Approved Worker
Day 347 Titus 2.11-15 God’s Kindness and the New Life
Day 348 Titus 3.1-11 Being Kind and Doing Good
Day 349 Philemon 1-25 Paul Asks a Friend To Show Kindness
Day 350 Hebrews 4.14—5.10 Jesus Is the Great High Priest
Day 351 Hebrews 12.1-13 A Large Crowd of Witnesses
Day 352 James 2.1-13 Warning against Having Favorites
Day 353 James 3.1-12 Controlling the Tongue
Day 354 James 5.7-20 Be Patient and Kind
Day 355 1 Peter 1.3-12 A Reason for Hope
Day 356 1 Peter 2.1-10 A Living Stone and a Holy Nation
Day 357 1 Peter 3.8-22 Suffering for Doing Right
Day 358 1 Peter 5.1-11 Helping Christian Leaders To Do Their Best
Day 359 2 Peter 1.3-15 Living as the Lord’s Followers
Day 360 1 John 2.7-17 The New Commandment
Day 361 1 John 4.1-21 God Is Love
Day 362 1 John 5.6-12 God’s Son Gives Life
Day 363 Revelation 5.1-14 The Scroll and the Lamb
Day 364 Revelation 21.1-8 The New Heaven and the New Earth
Day 365 Revelation 21.9-21 The New Jerusalem (part 1)
Day 366 Revelation 21.22—22.5 The New Jerusalem (part 2)