God’s Guiding Word: Promise

June 10


Psalm 61: Today’s psalm begins with a cry to God, and the psalm writer expresses the assurance of being heard by God. The writer then offers a prayer for the king and concludes with a promise to praise God daily.

Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 61:8

So I will always sing praises to you, as I offer you daily what I have promised.


61 Hear my cry, O God;
    listen to my prayer!
In despair and far from home
    I call to you!

Take me to a safe refuge,
    for you are my protector,
    my strong defense against my enemies.

Let me live in your sanctuary all my life;
    let me find safety under your wings.
You have heard my promises, O God,
    and you have given me what belongs to those who honor you.

Add many years to the king’s life;
    let him live on and on!
May he rule forever in your presence, O God;
    protect him with your constant love and faithfulness.

So I will always sing praises to you,
    as I offer you daily what I have promised.


The references to promises in today’s reading (verses 5, 8) most likely refer to trusting in and worshiping God. What promises have you made to God? How will you worship and praise God today?


Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. You are my safe haven. In your presence I feel secure because of your constant love and faithfulness. Daily will I praise you. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

And now, join us in thanking God for the completion of the Fijian Study Bible. Lord God, the Bible Society of the South Pacific has launched the Fijian Study Bible thanks to the generous support of Bible-A-Month Partners. Completion of this Study Bible marks a milestone 27 years in the making. It is the first-ever study Bible in the heart language of the Fiji community and includes a Biblical Cyclopedic Index that combines the features of a concordance, topical Bible, and Bible dictionary, covering over 5,000 subject names, places, concepts, events, and doctrines of the Bible. We praise you, Lord God, that the Fiji community now has this valuable resource to study your Word in their heart language. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Psalm 62: Depending on God.