Today's Reading | February 8, 2025
1 John 4:1–6
Introduction 1 John 4:1–6: In today’s reading believers are warned to ignore false teachers who deny that Jesus came as a human being. The writer describes how believers can distinguish between people who have God’s true Spirit and those with a false spirit. Today’s Key Verse: 1 John 4:1a Do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but…
Latest Daily Bible Readings
December 20, 2024
Isaiah 8:16—9:7
Introduction Isaiah 8:16—9:7: Today’s reading includes Isaiah’s warning of the Assyrian attack and God’s coming judgment against Judah because King Ahaz preferred to seek an alliance with Assyria rather than relying on God (8:1–15). After foretelling a time of trouble, Isaiah speaks words of hope about the coming of a righteous king and his reign of justice and peace. Today’s…
READ MOREDecember 19, 2024
Isaiah 8:1–15
Introduction Isaiah 8:1–15: Isaiah’s wife bears him a son, and the LORD tells the prophet Isaiah to give his newborn son a name that symbolizes that the kings of Israel and Syria will be destroyed quickly by their Assyrian foes (8:3). But because Ahaz still prefers to seek an alliance with Assyria rather than relying on God, Isaiah warns that…
READ MOREDecember 18, 2024
Isaiah 7:1–25
Introduction Isaiah 7:1–25: King Ahaz ruled the southern kingdom of Judah from 735–715 B.C., and King Pekah ruled the northern kingdom of Israel from 752–732 B.C. Between 735 and 732 B.C., Israel and Syria invaded Judah (2 Kings 15:27—16:20; 2 Chronicles 28:1–27). Pekah and King Rezin of Syria tried to force Ahaz to join them in their battles against Assyria. When…
READ MOREDecember 17, 2024
Isaiah 60:1–22
Introduction Isaiah 60:1–22: Today’s reading is an oracle describing the restoration and transformation of Jerusalem. The city had been destroyed by foreigners in 586 B.C. because of God’s anger over its sin, but foreigners will now help rebuild the city because of God’s favor and mercy. Those who had been living in exile will return home. The city will reflect…
READ MOREDecember 16, 2024
Revelation 19:1–21
Introduction Revelation 19:1–21: Chapter 19 begins the concluding section of Revelation with a series of visions that depict the final defeat of evil. In today’s reading, the wedding feast of the Lamb is celebrated with rejoicing and praising God’s greatness. Verses 11–21 feature visions of Christ’s return as a military leader and a scene of victory in which God’s enemies…
READ MOREDecember 15, 2024
Revelation 7:1–17
Introduction Revelation 7:1–17: Today’s reading offers a vision of 144,000 people from the twelve tribes of Israel, along with an enormous crowd of people from every race, tribe, nation, and language, all standing before the throne and praising God. Today’s Key Verse: Revelation 7:10 They called out in a loud voice, “Salvation comes from our God, who sits on the…
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