Today's Reading | February 9, 2025
1 John 4:7–21
Introduction 1 John 4:7–21: Today’s reading provides a comprehensive understanding about God’s love and Christ’s command to love others. Today’s Key Verse: 1 John 4:16b God is love, and those who live in love live in union with God and God lives in union with them. Reading 7 Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever…
Latest Daily Bible Readings
December 26, 2024
John 1:19–34
Introduction John 1:19–34: Today’s reading begins with John the Baptist being questioned by the religious authorities who wish to know if he is the Messiah. John responds by saying he is not. When John sees Jesus the next day, he testifies that Jesus is the Son of God. Today’s Key Verse: John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming…
READ MOREDecember 25, 2024
John 1:1–18
Introduction John 1:1–18: Today’s reading is the prologue or opening hymn that introduces the key themes to John’s Gospel. Jesus is described as the Word who already existed with God, the Word who is God, whose life “brought light to people.” John the Baptist is described as one who bore witness to the light. Today’s Key Verse: John 1:14a The…
READ MOREDecember 24, 2024
Luke 2:1–21
Introduction Luke 2:1–21: Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem where Jesus is born. Angels announce the news of his birth to shepherds in a nearby field. The shepherds hurry off and find the baby Jesus in a manger. Today’s reading concludes with the naming and circumcision of Jesus eight days after his birth in accordance with the Law of Moses…
READ MOREDecember 23, 2024
Luke 1:57–80
Introduction Luke 1:57–80: Today’s reading picks up the storyline from verse 25. John the Baptist is born and Zechariah is once again able to speak. The Holy Spirit enables him to prophesy concerning his son, and he praises God in a song that is also called the Benedictus (from the Latin for “blessed”). Today’s Key Verse: Luke 1:76–77 “You, my…
READ MOREDecember 22, 2024
Luke 1:26–56
Introduction Luke 1:26–56: Now the angel Gabriel is sent by God to Mary of Nazareth to announce that she is favored by God and chosen to be the mother of God’s Son. The angel tells Mary about Elizabeth’s pregnancy, and Mary visits Elizabeth in Judea. The reading concludes with Mary’s song of praise, also called the Magnificat (from the Latin…
READ MOREDecember 21, 2024
Luke 1:1–25
Introduction Luke 1:1–25: Luke’s Gospel opens with a prologue in which he sets forth his aim “to write an orderly account” concerning Jesus. Luke begins by recounting the events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist. The angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah and announces that, even though he and his wife Elizabeth are now elderly, Elizabeth will bear a son…
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