Today's Reading | July 5, 2024
Isaiah 66:1-11
July 5 Introduction Isaiah 66:1–11: Today’s reading begins the concluding chapter of the book of Isaiah and is an oracle about the kind of worship God demands. This passage speaks against those who did the right rituals with outward acts of piety but chose to do what is evil. Today’s Key Verse: Isaiah 66:1a The LORD says, “Heaven is my…
Latest Daily Bible Readings
April 20, 2022
John 21:15-25
God’s Renewing Word of HopeIntroductionJohn 21:15-25: Jesus speaks to Simon Peter, and three times he calls upon Peter to care for Jesus’s lambs and sheep (verses 15-17). Scholars have interpreted the three questions about Peter’s love for Jesus as a counterbalance to Peter’s earlier three denials of Jesus (John 18:17, 25-27; see the readings from April 12 and 13).Scripture ReadingJesus…
READ MOREApril 19, 2022
John 21:1-14
God’s Renewing Word of HopeIntroductionJohn 21:1-14: Seven of the disciples fish all night but catch nothing. When Jesus appears on the shoreline of Lake Tiberias and tells them to cast their net again, they catch many fish. Jesus then invites the disciples to share with him a meal that he has prepared.Scripture ReadingJesus Appears to Seven Disciples1After this, Jesus appeared…
READ MOREApril 18, 2022
John 20:19-31
God’s Renewing Word of HopeIntroductionJohn 20:19-31: Late Sunday evening Jesus appears to the disciples who are locked behind closed doors. Jesus breathes on them, and they receive the Holy Spirit. He appears to them again and Thomas’s faith is tested.Scripture ReadingJesus Appears to His Disciples(Matthew 28.16-20; Mark 16.14-18; Luke 24.36-49)19It was late that Sunday evening, and the disciples were gathered…
READ MOREApril 17, 2022
John 20:1-18
God’s Renewing Word of HopeIntroductionJohn 20:1-18: When Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus’s tomb, she sees that the stone has been rolled away. She runs to tell the disciples, believing that someone took Jesus’s body from the tomb. Then Jesus appears to Mary, telling her that he is going to return to God. Mary then tells the disciples that she has…
READ MOREMay 1, 2021
Isaiah 61:1-11
God’s Word of Spiritual RenewalIntroductionIsaiah 61:1-11: Today’s reading begins with a prophetic call to preach the good news, and the message includes words of comfort and consolation. A time of prosperity and everlasting joy is promised.Scripture ReadingThe Good News of Deliverance1 The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his Spirit.He has chosen me and sent meTo bring good news to…
READ MOREApril 30, 2021
Psalm 130
God’s Word of Mercy and ForgivenessIntroductionPsalm 130: Today’s reading opens with a cry for help and concludes with an affirmation of trust in God.Scripture ReadingA Prayer for Help1From the depths of my despair I call to you, Lord.2Hear my cry, O Lord;listen to my call for help!3If you kept a record of our sins,who could escape being condemned?4But you forgive…
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