Although Hamia* grew up in a Christian home in Algeria, she didn’t become a Christian until she was fourteen years old. Until then, she was afraid to accept Jesus as her Savior.

Christians are a minority in Algeria — less than one percent of the population, so in Algeria, being a Christian means:

  • Hiding your faith from Muslim neighbors — including friends and family
  • Reading your Bible in secret
  • Enduring ridicule or even violence from neighbors who see you as an infidel

Because of American Bible Society’s financial partners, Hamia received a Bible of her own. And despite the dangers, she was drawn to read it. As she explored God’s Word for herself, she couldn’t help falling in love with Jesus.

“What touched me was John 14:6,” she says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Because American Bible Society’s financial partners helped give Hamia a Bible of her own, her heart was transformed. As she continued exploring God’s Word, she realized, “There aren’t several ways to find God! So if I really want to be close to him, the only way is Jesus.”

Today, Hamia loves to serve on her church’s worship team. Please pray for God’s protection over Hamia and all persecuted Algerian Christians. Ask God to give them peace and strength as they live out their faith with boldness.

*Name changed for protection