For some time the country of Ukraine has been in conflict. On Saturday, a new outbreak of violence in the city of Mariupol broke a ceasefire, killing 27 people and wounding 97, and no peace is in sight. The United States government has condemned this “horrific assault by Russian-backed separatists” and is calling on Russia “to end its support for separatists immediately.”

The people of Ukraine are suffering deeply. Rebels continue to target civilians and children. The Ukrainian government has responded with a new military conscription that is contributing to unrest across the country.

As with heavy hearts we read reports of violence, remember Ukraine in prayer in the coming weeks. Philippians 4:6–7 tells us to pray about everything, to tell God what we need. God promises us his peace, which “exceeds anything we can understand.” Together, let us pray.

  • Pray for peace in Ukraine and protection for the lives of civilians.
  • Pray for deception to be exposed and truth to known, spoken and lived.
  • Pray for Christians in Ukraine, that God will guard their hearts and minds and give them hope and perseverance to carry through this difficult season.
  • Pray for empathy and mercy to fill the hearts of Russian and Ukrainian leaders. Pray for wisdom, divine guidance and courage for the leaders of the United States and other countries as they respond.
  • Pray for partners now translating Bible-based trauma healing materials into Ukranian.