Colonel Cheryl Adams
Served in Iraq in 2005
“Reading the Scriptures kept me grounded. I read chapters of Scripture on my lunch break. Sometimes we ate under the table because of incoming RPGs [rocket propelled grenades]. After a close strike, I felt all over my face and head to find where I was bleeding. Then I realized, I'm okay. I'm still alive.
“My Christian beliefs gave me sanctuary. I believe there's a reason why you're in a certain place at a certain time.”
Colonel Adams, who now works with veterans, picked up a Rapid Deployment Kit in Germany. It includes a small camouflage-covered New Testament from ABS.
First Lieutenant Matt Thompson
Deployed in Kabani, Iraq in 2007
“God is so good! I was walking back from work and passed a group of Marines…. They were talking about the Bible, and one of the Marines was making a clear presentation of the Gospel. It is so amazing what God is doing in the lives of so many young Marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen.”
Excerpt from the Battlefield Ministries, a daily e-mail sent out by businessman Phil Presley. Some 7,600 ABS Bibles were distributed through the ministry in 2008.
Captain Charles Hall
Helping veterans in New York
“The average person doesn't know the effects of war — it's a life-changing experience that impacts both the soldier and their family. I run a recovery group [for substance addiction]. Some identified with the story of Lazarus — they felt they were dead due to their addiction. I told them that God could raise them to new life as well. We use the Bible stories to find starting points for healing.”
There are 2.9 million disabled veterans. Last year, the Bible Society provided them with more than 30,000 Bibles.
Major Craig Combs
Served in Iraq in 2004
“Many were reached by this Bible. It has changed lives.”
Major Combs worked with ABS to create a commemorative edition of the Bible, which the chaplain then presented to the members of his Texas National Guard's 56th Brigade Combat Team.