For most of human history, there was no Scripture in sign language.

But about 40 years ago, efforts began to translate the entire Bible into American Sign Language. This translation project, which was led by Deaf Missions and supported by American Bible Society and other faithful partner organizations, was completed in 2020—over a decade ahead of schedule!

Today, an estimated 98 percent of Deaf people have still never heard the good news of Jesus. But the completion of the American Sign Language Version (ASLV) has paved the way for other sign language translation projects. Together with partners like Deaf Missions, American Bible Society is continuing to equip and accelerate sign language translation around the world. Our goal is to see all 400 unique sign languages receive God’s Word!

Celebrate the historic impact of the ASLV translation with this amazing video created by Deaf Missions, which shows a glimpse of all 38 years of the ASLV Scripture now available to Deaf communities.

Watch now and praise God that his Word is reaching hearts through sign language!

ASLV Announcement 2020


Video courtesy of Deaf Missions.

ASLV Announcement 2020 from Deaf Missions on Vimeo.