Guía de Estudio Bíblico: 1 Tesalonicenses

¿Por qué la primera carta a los Tesalonicenses es especial? Porque proporciona detalles sobre la relación personal que el Apóstol Pablo tuvo con la iglesia de Tesalónica. Más de la mitad de la misiva contiene oraciones y acción de gracias por su fe. Pablo escribe como lo haría… Read More

Study Series: 1 Thessalonians

A two-page study sheet with discussion questions about Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. Download this resource

Salt and Light: Respect

The life of Nehemiah offers a case study of the results of treating others with respect. Download this resource

Study Buddies: 1 and 2 Thessalonians

A study sheet on Paul’s two letters to the church at Thessalonica. Being Faithful, Not Lazy. Paul wrote to reassure the Church about Christ’s return and let them know that he would be coming back for the faithful. Download this resource

Bible Study Guide: 1 Thessalonians

There is always room for improvement. In Paul’s first letter to the church in Thessalonica, he congratulates them for their faith, but also encourages them to continue becoming even more holy. What makes 1 Thessalonians unique? This short letter provides a close look at the personal relationship Paul had… Read More


Ujima refers to collective work and responsibility. Use this tool to reflect on the role of collective responsibility within the body of Christ. The third principle of Kwanzaa is Ujima (oo-JEE-mah) Collective Work and Responsibility – To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers’ and sister’… Read More