Guía de estudio bíblico: 2 Reyes

¿Por qué el segundo libro de los Reyes es especial? El Segundo libro de Reyes es realmente la segunda parte de una sola obra que se dividió en dos partes (1 y 2 Reyes) porque era demasiado extensa para caber en un solo royo. Los libros continúan la… Read More

La monarquía en Israel

Aunque estaba rodeada por naciones que habían sido gobernadas por reyes durante muchos años: Asiria, Babilonia, Egipto y las naciones de Canaán, la monarquía y una forma centralizada de gobierno no apareció en Israel hasta cerca del año 1000 a. C. Antes de ese tiempo, las escrituras judías dicen… Read More

2 Kings

This book continues the story of those who ruled Israel and Judah. Read 2 Kings to find out which rulers were faithful to God and which were not. And read about a real hero, Elisha the prophet. What makes 2 Kings special? Second Kings is actually the second half of… Read More

Naaman Coloring Sheet

Naaman washed seven times. Count each group. Color each group that has seven things. Download this resource

Historical Books

Christians call the Old Testament books that follow the Pentateuch, beginning with Joshua and ending with Esther, the Historical Books. These books describe Israel’s history as a people in the land of Canaan. The final book of the Pentateuch, Deuteronomy, ends with the tribes of Israel camped in… Read More

From Joshua to the Exile: The People of Israel in the Promised Land

In Genesis God promised to give Abraham land for his descendents. Although it took hundreds of years, Abraham’s descendents finally returned to the land. Read about the important events that occurred while the Israelites occupied the Promised Land. Moses led the people of Israel in the desert for forty years… Read More


Babylon was a powerful kingdom in the Ancient Near Eastern world that conquered Judah and sent the people into exile. But Babylon is also an important image that appears in the New Testament. Read more about the significance of Babylon here. What does this ancient city have to do with… Read More