
The Greek word for martyr means “witness.” In the New Testament martyrs were individuals were those who bore witness to the life, death and work of Jesus. Two words, “martyr” and “witness,” are translated from the same Greek word, martys. The earliest meaning for the word is probably “witness.”… Read More

Making Promises (Vows)

Scripture is full of promises that people make to God and that God makes to people. Find out what some of these promises are and how they apply to our everyday lives. Vows are spoken promises made to God, and are often made in response to help received from… Read More

Spiritual Gifts

What are the spiritual gifts? How are they supposed to help the church? Learn more about the types of spiritual gifts and their role in the church. The Greek word charisma is most often translated as “spiritual gifts” in 1 Corinthians 12:1 and elsewhere in the New Testament. It… Read More


How does the Bible define sin? How do sinful human beings relate to God? Read more to find out. Sin is pictured in Genesis as beginning with Adam and Eve, who disobeyed God by eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 3:9). The… Read More

The Servant Songs in Isaiah

Many Jewish people thought the Messiah would return as a victorious king. However, four passages in Isaiah discuss a servant who will bring Israel back to God. Four passages in Isaiah are often identified as “the Servant Songs” because they focus on the call and work of “the Lord’s… Read More


Throughout Scripture, hope refers to confident trust in God to provide for the Israelites’ needs. Read more about the theme of hope that is woven through the Old and New Testaments. In present-day society, the word “hope” often refers to wishful thinking or to the expectation that something positive… Read More

Second Coming

In the New Testament, Jesus promises that he will return. Read more about the context of the second coming and what it will mean for believers. This term is used to refer to the future time Christ will return to judge people and establish God’s kingdom. The term, “second… Read More


When people in ancient Israel died and were buried, it was believed that their souls went down and stayed in the dark underworld called “Sheol” or “Hades.” Later, when the people of Judah were in exile in Babylon about 600 years before Jesus was born, some prophets announced the… Read More

What are the Apocrypha and Deuterocanonical Books?

Find out what different faith traditions in Western Christianity say about the Deuterocanonical books and what role these books play in the Old Testament canon. The term “apocrypha” is Greek for “hidden or secret (things).” When Jerome translated the Scriptures into Latin in the late fourth century, he noted… Read More

Day of the Lord

Throughout the Old Testament, the Day of the Lord, a time of punishment for the wicked and blessing for the righteous, brought hope to faithful Israelites. The “Day of the Lord” refers to a future time when the Lord will act in history to punish his enemies and to… Read More