Apocalipsis y las Cartas Generales

Los últimos nueve libros del Nuevo Testamento fueron escritos por distintos autores con estilos diferentes. A los ocho primeros (de Hebreos a Judas) se les suele llamar las «Cartas Generales». Algunos están claramente escritos en forma de carta, con un estilo similar al de las epístolas de Pablo, incluyendo… Read More

Guía de estudio bíblico: Apocalipsis

¿Por qué Apocalipsis es especial? Apocalipsis viene de la palabra griega apokalypsis, que significa revelar o revelación (de ahí que el libro reciba a veces ese nombre). El Apocalipsis pertenece a una clase de escritura llamada literatura apocalíptica que intenta revelar los secretos del cielo a los seres… Read More

Daring People in the Bible: Mary

“Mary dared to do something special for God.” An illustration of Mary and a summary of her life and obedience to God. Download this resource

Daring People in the Bible: Paul

“Paul dared to tell the world about Jesus.” An illustration of the Apostle Paul and a summary of his teaching. Download this resource

Daring People in the Bible: Peter

“Peter dared to keep a promise he once broke.” An illustration of the Apostle Peter and a rooster with a summary of Peter’s ministry Download this resource

January 17- Anthony of Egypt, Founder of Monastic Life

Out of his devotion to Christ, Anthony gave up worldly possessions, moved to the desert and lived a life of solitude. Read more about Anthony’s legacy. The Monastic Saint When Emperor Constantine proclaimed Christianity as the Roman imperial religion, it became fashionable to practice Christianity. Status in the new… Read More

The New Testament

The “New Testament” is the second part of the Christian Bible. Its twenty-seven books continue the story of God’s people begun in the Old Testament (the Jewish Scriptures). The “New Testament” is the second part of the Christian Bible. Its twenty-seven books continue the story of God’s people… Read More

Bible Study Guide: Acts

Written as a sequel to the Gospel of Luke, the book of Acts contains the account of Jesus’ resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit and the history of the early church. What makes Acts special? Acts, the longest book of the New Testament, is the second volume of… Read More

Education in Hellenism

The term Hellenism describes the military and political control by Greek leaders over five centuries beginning with Alexander the Great (336–323 B.C.). Hellenism also refers to the large cultural movement that expanded across the empire. This epoch produced a new view of humankind. Education was responsible for this advance. Read More

Formation of the New Testament

How did we get our Bible? When were the writings that make up the New Testament selected, arranged, and collected? Learn more about what biblical scholars have discovered. The New Testament we have today is a collection of writings that have been gathered and edited. The titles, the fixed number… Read More