Daily Bible Reading

August 3, 2023

Isaiah 43:1-13(GNT)

God’s Saving Word: Encouragement


Isaiah 43:1-13: God promises to rescue the people from Babylonian captivity and allow them to return to Judah. The people of Israel are summoned to be witnesses to their belief in God.

Scripture Reading

God Promises to Rescue His People

43 Israel, the Lord who created you says,

    “Do not be afraid—I will save you.
    I have called you by name—you are mine.
When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you;
    your troubles will not overwhelm you.
When you pass through fire, you will not be burned;
    the hard trials that come will not hurt you.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the holy God of Israel, who saves you.
I will give up Egypt to set you free;
    I will give up Ethiopia and Seba.
I will give up whole nations to save your life,
    because you are precious to me
    and because I love you and give you honor.
Do not be afraid—I am with you!

“From the distant east and the farthest west
    I will bring your people home.
I will tell the north to let them go
    and the south not to hold them back.
Let my people return from distant lands,
    from every part of the world.
They are my own people,
    and I created them to bring me glory.”

Israel Is the Lord’s Witness

God says,

“Summon my people to court.
    They have eyes, but they are blind;
    they have ears, but they are deaf!
Summon the nations to come to the trial.
    Which of their gods can predict the future?
    Which of them foretold what is happening now?
Let these gods bring in their witnesses
    to prove that they are right,
    to testify to the truth of their words.

10 “People of Israel, you are my witnesses;
    I chose you to be my servant,
so that you would know me and believe in me
    and understand that I am the only God.
Besides me there is no other god;
    there never was and never will be.

11 “I alone am the Lord,
    the only one who can save you.
12 I predicted what would happen,
    and then I came to your aid.
No foreign god has ever done this;
    you are my witnesses.
13 I am God and always will be.
No one can escape from my power;
    no one can change what I do.”

Today’s Key Verse: Isaiah 43:1b

[The LORD says:] “Do not be afraid—I will save you. I have called you by name—you are mine.”


What verses speak of God’s assurance of safety? What does God promise? In what ways have you been assured of God’s presence in your life? In what ways can you be a witness to your faith and trust in God?


Lord God, you have called me by name and I am yours. You alone are God, and I thank and praise you for your life-giving love. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Isaiah 44:1-20: The LORD is the only God.

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