Daily Bible Reading

November 30, 2023

Psalm 150(GNT)

God’s Saving Word: Praise and Thanksgiving


Psalm 150: In today’s psalm, a full orchestra of musical instruments is to be joined by a full choir of voices, as “all living creatures” join the song of praise. Every verse begins with and includes the word “praise.” The word appears thirteen times.

Scripture Reading

Praise the Lord!

150 Praise the Lord!

Praise God in his Temple!
    Praise his strength in heaven!
Praise him for the mighty things he has done.
    Praise his supreme greatness.

Praise him with trumpets.
    Praise him with harps and lyres.
Praise him with drums and dancing.
    Praise him with harps and flutes.
Praise him with cymbals.
    Praise him with loud cymbals.
Praise the Lord, all living creatures!

Praise the Lord!

Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 150:6

Praise the LORD, all living creatures! Praise the LORD!


Music and musical instruments are mentioned frequently in the Bible, but unfortunately no actual melodies are preserved and we can only guess at the exact sounds of the instruments. What instruments are mentioned in today’s psalm? What kinds of music are most meaningful to you in praising God? How will you praise God today?


Praise the LORD! Lord God, I praise you for all the mighty things you have done. May my words and actions this day demonstrate my joyful praise and worship of you. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Mark 1:1-8: Mark’s Gospel begins with the preaching of John the Baptist.

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