Sitting next to your father’s bedside, you smile warmly. But beneath your expression, you’re hurting. For nearly a year, he has received treatment for an illness that won’t seem to pass. You love him dearly—but as his primary caretaker, you’re running out of energy.

To lighten the load, you ask a friend to freeze meals and a sibling to make hospital trips. You ask a cousin to help you manage your finances. And you meet with your church small group to pray for his health. But no matter how many people you involve in the process, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed and exhausted. You worry that life may never feel “normal” again.

As you rise from your father’s bedside to begin making dinner, he flashes a smile back at you. Instantly, you’re reminded of why you care so much about him. We just have to make it through this next round of treatment, you think.

In these moments, when the burden of supporting a loved one feels unmanageable, I encourage you to crack open your Bible and reflect on messages of peace and hope. Even when you’re lacking energy—even when you fear the future—you can rely on God for the strength to carry on.

These four prayers will get you started:

  1. Lord, give me endurance.
    But those who trust the Lord 
    will find new strength. 
    They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; 
    they will walk and run without getting tired.
    – Isaiah 40:31 (CEV)
  2. Lord, give me peace.
    I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.– John 14:27 (CEV)
  3. Lord, protect my loved one.
    God is our mighty fortress, 
    always ready to help in times of trouble.
    – Psalm 46:1 (CEV)
  4. Lord, give my loved one strength.  
    Christ gives me the strength to face anything. – Philippians 4:13 (CEV)