It doesn’t matter how much sleep you get. It doesn’t matter how well you eat. It doesn’t matter how hard you exercise. You just can’t seem to get enough rest, and as a result you feel completely exhausted.
You remember the days when you had enough energy to socialize, clean the house, and maintain mental stamina throughout the day. But now it feels like getting out of bed is nearly impossible. You walk through your day in a daze, waiting for the moment when you can go home and go to bed.
But when you finally get to bed, you can’t sleep. Because you’re so exhausted, you’ve had to put off doing chores—so you end up thinking of all the things you neglected that day instead of focusing on falling asleep. Or you’re so worried about getting enough sleep that you can’t fall asleep. You toss and turn until your alarm clock goes off and you throw off the bed covers, yet again exhausted and not ready for the day.
Do you feel like you’re tired all the time?
Whether you know the cause of your exhaustion or you can’t quite pinpoint the cause, you can turn to the Bible for strength when you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally weak. It’s hard to feel whole when you’re worn out, but God’s Word can give you nourishment when you feel feeble and faint.
If you’re drained today, take a few moments to find strength in these Psalms:
- I wait patiently for God to save me;
I depend on him alone.
He alone protects and saves me;
he is my defender,
and I shall never be defeated. — Psalm 62:1-2 (GNTD) - My mind and my body may grow weak,
but God is my strength;
he is all I ever need. — Psalm 73:26 (GNTD) - When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace;
you alone, O Lord, keep me perfectly safe. — Psalm 4:8 (GNTD) - How awesome is God as he comes from his sanctuary—
the God of Israel!
He gives strength and power to his people.
Praise God! — Psalm 68:35 (GNTD)