Do you have a Bible verse you love? Mine is John 3:16. I memorized it at summer camp when I was 9 years old, and have loved its message ever since:

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.”

This beautiful description of God’s love has given me hope through some of the darkest moments in my life. That’s the power of God’s Word.

On November 18, International Day of the Bible, we have an opportunity to celebrate our love of the Bible and what it means to us. At noon, people around the world will pause to focus on Scripture. In addition to reading or listening to the Bible, the joy of God’s Word will be shared through social media, musical performances, and other creative means.

Many are Still Waiting

While many of us are blessed to celebrate the comfort, guidance, and hope we find in God’s Word, there are millions who cannot join us. Why? They do not have a Bible in a language or format they understand.

Today, there are approximately 165 million people who do not have even one sentence of Scripture in their heart language and no translation work has begun. They have yet to connect with God through his Word.

This was once true for Nsenga-speaking people of Zambia—until a team of translators from Bible Society of Zambia began translating the New Testament in 2012.
Fanely Phiri Mwale, one of the translators, helped translate the New Testament into Nsenga. She too, celebrates her love for John 3:16, “Because it shows me how much God loves us.” Now, the Nsenga people are connecting to the words of Jesus in their own language.

Will you join us in praying for those who still need access to God’s Word in their heart language?

Four Ways to Pray

  1. Pray for current Bible translation projects to finish and new ones to begin.
  2. Ask God to give Bible translators strength, stamina, and joy for this challenging but life-changing task.
  3. Pray for the resources needed—funds, computers, internet, and transportation—to complete Bible translation work around the world.
  4. Pray for people still waiting for God’s Word in their language. Pray that their hunger to know Jesus and connect with him through his Word will be satisfied through the ministry of Bible translation.