I so badly want to stack up in life. I want to grow into a flawless writer, a perfect husband and a dependable friend. But when I consider these desires, I uncover a much deeper truth: I fear inadequacy. I worry about
not stacking up, about developing into a fraud and a has-been. I wonder if I’m just barely getting by instead of thriving each step of the way.

Have you ever felt weak, inadequate or unworthy? Maybe, as you enter your workplace each morning, you wonder if you truly have the skills, gifts and experience to fulfill your daily responsibilities. You wonder if your boss sees you as the weakest link—as the least capable employee on your team. Or maybe, as you observe other parents smiling, laughing and cheering on their kids, you wonder if you’re nothing more than an average mother or father. You fear letting your kids down because of your shortcomings. You wonder if you’ll ever be good enough.

Even in the midst of these desolate feelings, God calls out to us as his son or daughter. We sin on a daily basis, make mistakes that seem beyond repair and fall away from his plan for our lives. Yet God never stops loving us. He sees us as fully capable beings, continually lifting us up as his own: “
It is through faith that all of you are God’s children in union with Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26, GNTD).

If you fear inadequacy today, turn to God’s Word for comfort and affirmation. These five verses will get you started.

  1. You are loved.
    I will give up whole nations to save your life, because you are precious to me and because I love you and give you honor. – Isaiah 43:4 (GNTD)
  2. You are strong.
    The Sovereign Lord gives me strength. He makes me sure-footed as a deer and keeps me safe on the mountains.
    – Habakkuk 3:19 (GNTD)
  3. You are chosen.
    “People of Israel, you are my witnesses; I chose you to be my servant, so that you would know me and believe in me and understand that I am the only God…”
    – Isaiah 43:10 (GNTD)
  4. You are victorious.
    The Lord your God is going with you, and he will give you victory. – Deuteronomy 20:4 (GNTD)
  5. You are beautiful.
    God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pleased. Evening passed and morning came—that was the sixth day. – Genesis 1:31 (GNTD)