As churches navigate the unknowns of this pandemic, we can look to Jesus with hope and direction in preparation for what’s to come. In Acts 4, the apostles faced persecution for their works, ministry, and teachings. Today, we are experiencing disruption on new levels, but the church has been given a divine invitation to an incredible kingdom opportunity. What was previously normal to corporate gatherings will look different; but the gospel message and its power to transform lives remains the same.

Here are 5 ways the church can prepare for the future:

1. Pray Fervently – Every great movement of God begins with prayer. Prayer connects us to the heart of God, and in doing so, he strengthens our capacity to endure the challenges we face. Rally your church in an ongoing call to prayer for healing in the land and revival among the nations.

Ask God for wisdom from heaven for church leaders making decisions on reopening their buildings. Pray for faith to respond to a new normal from a God-honoring posture.

2. Lead Well – Post-pandemic church will require bold, agile leadership that will meet the needs of the hurting right where they are. I Chronicles 12:32, “From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.”

Pray for leaders who understand the times and respond with the wisdom of God. Pray for God to ignite fresh courage in church leadership to bring transformation through God’s Word.

3. Be Creative – We serve the Creator of the universe! Our power to be resourceful is limitless in the supernatural. We have been given the privilege as image bearers to be co-creators with him.

Pray for divine innovation and creativity in developing engaging ways to worship and praise God together. Pray the church post-pandemic will experience greater creativity than ever before through the digital world.

4. Be the Church – The body of Christ has always been essential. The church will better discover now what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus, as we prepare for the days to come. The church was not called to comfort or to conformity, but to serve with boldness amid a traumatized community of citizens, broken by unaddressed hurts.

Pray for strategies that will equip the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus, loving compassionately in a post-pandemic world.

5. Activate Your Faith – We must continue to trust God for his promises! In Galatians 3, Abraham’s enduring faith was accounted to him for righteousness. The longer he waited for God’s answer, the stronger his faith became! The church will need to lean on one another as a body, to wait with integrity, trusting that God’s promise for the church will come to pass. The church will prevail!

Pray that we would be obedient in carrying out the will of God as sojourners, with the hopeful expectancy of his kingdom coming on earth through his triumphant return!

“When they finished praying, the place where they were meeting was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim God’s message with boldness.” – Acts 4:31