Being married can be wonderful. You have a built-in best friend and automatic date for your office party. You can build a life and home together. You deal with his dirty socks, and he deals with your mess of makeup.

But sometimes marriage feels much harder than it seemed on your wedding day, when you stood in a beautiful dress surrounded by friends and family. Life happens, people grow and plans change. And when marriage gets difficult, we sometimes forget about the power that comes from praying God’s Word over your spouse.

Sure, you can pray that your husband will do the dishes or remember Valentine’s Day, but you can also pray specific prayers for his prayer for his strengths, his weaknesses, his work – every aspect of his life.

Here are a few prayers to get you started:

  1. Lord, lead him.

    If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear his voice behind you saying, “Here is the road. Follow it.”– Isaiah 30:21 (GNTD)
  2. Lord, help him know his purpose in life.

    We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.– Romans 8:28 (GNTD)
  3. Lord, help my husband in his work.

    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people. 24 Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward what he has kept for his people. For Christ is the real Master you serve.– Colossians 3:23-24 (GNTD)
  4. Lord, give my husband wisdom.

    But the wisdom from above is pure first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy.– James 3:17
  5. Lord, surround him with good friends.

    Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up. But if someone is alone and falls, it’s just too bad, because there is no one to help him.– Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
  6. Lord, strengthen him.

    Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.– Joshua 1:9