Right now, millions of people around the world are facing crisis.

Some are facing the threat of starvation. Others have been forcibly displaced from their homes as a result of conflict, persecution, or violence. Still others are affected by illness or disease, natural disasters, or another devastating tragedy.

We cannot forget those who are suffering.

Scripture encourages us to help carry one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). One way to carry one another’s burdens is to pray!

When we pray, we come alongside hurting people so that they don’t have to carry their burdens alone. We see their suffering and we take it to God. We believe that God can pierce through storms of crisis and bring his peace and comfort.

To help you pray for people facing crisis, we created God’s Comfort in Crisis. This prayer guide is designed to focus your prayers on the Bible’s promises for those around the world who are suffering. In this guide, you will find:

  • Scriptures that point to God’s promises of hope and healing amid disaster
  • Prayers that invite the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, comfort, and peace for those who are suffering
  • Resources designed to help those who have experienced trauma find healing, as well as resources to support the church as it serves hurting people

We hope you’ll be inspired to pray today for those around the world carrying heavy burdens!