Sebastian lives in the Mexican state of Chiapas. He normally attends church with his wife, daughter, and three grandchildren, but recent health issues have confined him to his home. Sebastian doesn’t own a Bible. He misses hearing God’s Word in his native language of Chol de Tumbalá.

Chol de Tumbalá is a Mayan language spoken by approximately 115,000 people. Bible Society of Mexico together with other Bible agencies completed the first translation of the Bible into Chol in 1990. But recent requests from indigenous churches for 15,000 copies of Chol de Tumbalá Bibles prompted a Bible translation committee to revisit the text. They discovered it was outdated with some words and expressions no longer in use. Shortly after, work began to update the translation.

In 2011, the New Testament revision was completed and in 2013 an audio version of the Bible was started.

“I have never heard the Bible on audio”

To address the spiritual needs of those who cannot read, as well as people who simply cannot afford a Bible of their own, Bible Society of Mexico is providing audio Scripture on devices called Proclaimers. In 2019, proclaimers were provided, making the newly translated Chol de Tumbalá Scriptures available to the Tumbalá community.

Sebastian was fortunate enough to receive one. Here’s what he said of his experience with an audio Bible, “I listen to the proclaimer regularly in the afternoon with my wife. We live two families in this house and another family joins us to listen together to the proclaimer. I have 5 months of having the device. I have never heard the Bible on audio, it is a different and good experience. Listening to the audio several times has helped me understand some passages that I did not understand very well before.”

Praise God, people like Sebastian are meeting God through Scripture in a language and format they can understand. Let’s pray for more Mexicans to grow in their walk with Jesus as they hear Scripture.

Let’s Pray Together

Father, thank you that Sebastian can once again share in the beauty of Scripture. We praise you for the new and innovative ways your Word is being shared in Mexico. We pray that as audio Bibles are being shared, that it will transform lives, bringing hope and joy to all those who hear.