Recently, while walking to the hardware store, I noticed a man sitting outside a coffee shop. With his feet propped up on a chair, he sipped a coffee, ate a pastry and pet his dog, who laid beside him on the sidewalk. They didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

I, on the other hand, was power walking to the store, seeking to cross one of a dozen items off my to-do list. The faster I get to the store, the quicker I’ll fix that clogged sink in my bathroom, I thought to myself. And the quicker I fix that clog, the more I can relax. And the more I can relax, the less frantic and wound up I’ll feel.

When I finally returned home and tackled the rest of my to-do list, I realized how much I needed a coffee, a comfortable seat and a dog. Have you been here before?

Maybe you’re constantly on the move, running from your job to your kids’ baseball practice to the gym, all before you have a chance to breathe. Maybe you struggle with anxiety and constantly feel worn out. Maybe you’re navigating a stressful season of life and desperately need a day off—or better yet, a vacation. Maybe you’re taking care of a sick loved one and feel overwhelmed.

Regardless of the root of your fatigue, you long for an escape from the chaos that constantly surrounds you. And you crave an opportunity to sit on the sidewalk without a care in the world.

If you feel weak and weary today, you can turn to God’s Word for reminders of the peace we have in Christ. These four Bible verses will get you started:

John 14:27 (GNTD)

Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.

Psalm 23:1-2 (GNTD)

The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.

Isaiah 40:31 (GNTD)

But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.

Psalm 18:32-34 (GNTD)

He is the God who makes me strong, who makes my pathway safe. He makes me sure-footed as a deer; he keeps me safe on the mountains. He trains me for battle, so that I can use the strongest bow.