Sometimes, when I’m overwhelmed with stress, I feel like I’m sailing through a storm. As waves crash onto my boat, I frantically try to bail the water. But all too quickly, the water rises to an unmanageable level—and I’m barely able to keep up.

These waves come in numerous forms: unexpected expenses, prolonged illnesses, damaged relationships, too many responsibilities, lack of rest. Each sends me deeper into the storm and closer to shipwreck.

Have you ever felt this way?

Maybe life hasn’t turned out how you planned. You envisioned a big family, a house with room for hosting and a low-stress career that allowed you to comfortably pay the bills. But now, you’re stuck working overtime at a dead-end job while feeling overwhelmed about your near-empty bank account.

Or maybe you’re struggling to manage all the relationships and commitments in your life. In fact, you currently have a list of voicemails that need a response, a dozen errands to run, three house projects to complete and a handful of play dates to schedule for your children. How can you possibly do it all without pulling your hair out?

When you feel caught in the storms of life, you can turn to God’s Word for the peace, hope and rest you so desperately need. These four Bible verses will get you started:

Isaiah 40:30-32 (GNTD)

Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted. But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (GNTD)

“But I will bless the person who puts his trust in me. He is like a tree growing near a stream and sending out roots to the water. It is not afraid when hot weather comes, because its leaves stay green; it has no worries when there is no rain; it keeps on bearing fruit.”

Psalm 55:22 (GNTD)

Leave your troubles with the Lord, and he will defend you; he never lets honest people be defeated.

Isaiah 26:3-4 (GNTD)

You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever; he will always protect us.