African women are often marginalized, overlooked, and oppressed. They face difficult life circumstances due to economic and social marginalization. They have low access to education and employment. And, with 60% of Africa’s population below the age of 25, these women carry a heavy responsibility of raising the next generation in Africa.

These women need encouragement. And God’s Word is where they’ll find hope, wisdom, and guidance for the unique challenges they face.

African Women Devotional Bible

To address the spiritual needs of women in Africa, a new Bible was created called, African Women Devotional Bible. The African Women Devotional Bible is the result of more than four years of work, begun by the Bible Society of Kenya in 2016 and completed through a collaboration of Bible Societies across Africa. This Bible helps women deepen their relationship with God and discover that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. Every page of this Bible is crafted to help African women experience power, liberation, and growth in Jesus Christ. It is written entirely by women in Africa to address issues that African women face.

Features of the African Women Devotional Bible include 365 culturally specific devotions and 52 articles and profiles of women Bible heroes. Designed for personal or small group use, this Bible is poised to answer questions, deepen Scripture engagement, and spark spiritual transformation across Africa for generations to come.

We Need Your Prayers

The African Women Devotional Bible was launched in March 2021. Twenty thousand copies were printed in English and are now in distribution in eight African countries. This is where your prayers can help. We invite you to pray for:

  • Distribution efforts. Pray for all those involved in providing these Bibles to pastor’s wives and other women who serve people in churches and communities. Pray as the African Women Devotional Bible is also set to be released in Portuguese, French, and Kiswahili.
  • Transformed lives. Pray that African women will encounter God and be changed by him as they practice daily Scripture reading and spend time together in prayer, journaling, contemplating, and discussing the different topics included in the devotional.
  • Financial generosity. Pray that the cost to produce this Bible will be offset by the generous contributions of financial partners so that it can be offered to African women at a reduced cost they can afford.