I don’t belong here, I thought. My acceptance letter was a fluke.

I walked through the ancient university building. The sound of posh British accents filled my ears, making me feel insecure about my uncultured accent. I tip-toed through the hallways, hoping no one would notice me. It was my first day of grad school in England.

Once in the classroom, we exchanged the usual quick introductions. I studied at Oxford, one student explained. I went to Cambridge, another boasted. Yale for me, said another.

Then it was my turn to introduce myself. I was embarrassed to divulge the tiny liberal arts college I had attended, far from one of the top universities in the world.

An overwhelming sense of inadequacy washed over me. I was terrified of saying too much, sounding too dumb, of being found out. My mind froze, my face grew hot, and I counted down the minutes until the class would be over.

Have you ever felt this way before? Totally incapable, inadequate, inferior?

Maybe you just started a new job and feel like you won’t be able to do what’s required of you. Perhaps you’re a new parent, terrified you’ll do this whole parenting thing wrong. Or maybe you just moved to a new town and feel like you’ll never fit in.

When you feel this way, it’s easy to spiral into self-doubt. But the Bible tells you that you are enough. God says that you are worthy, that you can find your confidence in him when you feel like a fraud. God created you the way you are, and you are handcrafted for God’s purposes.

If you’re struggling with feeling like a fake, reflect on these 5 verses to find your confidence in God’s Word:

Ephesians 2:10, GNTD

God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.

Isaiah 43:3, GNTD

I will give up whole nations to save your life,
because you are precious to me
and because I love you and give you honor.

Daniel 10:19a, GNTD

He said, “God loves you, so don’t let anything worry you or frighten you.”

Romans 8:1, GNTD

There is no condemnation now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:13, GNTD

I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.