Have you ever committed to cracking down on your spending, only to find yourself broke a month later? For a week or two, you stuck to your extra-tight budget. But shortly thereafter, everything fell apart. Your growing kids needed clothes that fit properly. You had to to hire a plumber to fix your leaky faucet. And you accidently overspent while eating out with a friend.

In the blink of an eye, you transitioned from, “I’ve got this under control” to, “there’s no way I can make this budget work.” To cope, you bought another new budgeting software (it promised you would save $200 in the first month). You paid a financial analyst to help you prioritize spending. And you re-financed your car and mortgage. But once the dust settled, you felt as insecure about your money as ever.

Do you crave financial stability today?

Whether you’re struggling to reduce your spending or just can’t seem to get your head above the water, the experience can lead to stress, worry and family tension. But here’s the good news: when you’ve lost control of your finances, you can turn to God’s Word for reminders of his continual presence.

These four Bible verses will get you started:

Philippians 4:6-7 (GNTD)

Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.

Luke 12:24 (GNTD)

“Look at the crows: they don’t plant seeds or gather a harvest; they don’t have storage rooms or barns; God feeds them! You are worth so much more than birds!”

Isaiah 58:11 (GNTD)

And I will always guide you and satisfy you with good things. I will keep you strong and well. You will be like a garden that has plenty of water, like a spring of water that never goes dry.

Psalm 121:1-2 (GNTD)

I look to the mountains; where will my help come from? My help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.