Kinawataka is a massive slum in Kampala, Uganda. Many families who live in Kinawataka deal with extreme poverty and widespread crime. Notorious gangs of 6-to-16-year-old boys have made life a nightmare for many living in these slums, boys like Darren* and Rayan*.

Darren, one of the gang leaders, recounts how they would steal everything they could get their hands on. They stole phones, hand purses, shoes. They even stole clothes hanging to dry! Rayan, who was often left home alone by his parents, also joined the gang and learned to pick pockets.

But thanks to the Bible Society of Uganda and to your faithful prayers, Darren and Rayan have experienced new life in Jesus.

Audio Bibles Help Gang Members Turn to Jesus

In May 2020, Bible Society of Uganda made their first visit to the Kinawataka slums to distribute audio Bibles. They invited youth to attend local churches and listen to audio Scriptures. Soon, listening groups were formed. Before long, five notorious gang members gave their lives to Christ, including Darren and Rayan.

“When we listened to the talking Bible, I heard of Saul’s transformation to Paul the apostle, and I was touched. I abandoned my evil ways,” said Rayan. Now Darren and Rayan make an honest living through selling sugar cane.

Your prayers are impacting lives around the world. Thank you for praying for people like Darren and Rayan to experience new life through Scripture. And thank you for praying for us as we work with Bible Societies worldwide to share God’s Word with those who long to know him.

Today, we urge you to continue to pray that lives will be transformed through the power of Scripture. God hears your prayers!

Let’s Pray Together

Father, thank you that no matter what choices we have made to this point, we can still reset and find new life through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3). We give you praise for the lives you are transforming through your Word. And we pray that you will bless our efforts at American Bible Society and the efforts of our global partners as we continue to labor in sharing your Word with every person on earth. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

*Names changed for privacy.