“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” 

Jeremiah 32:27 (NKJV)  

There are few things more painful than a struggling family or a broken home.  

When you face family conflict, you might feel overwhelmed by the weight of the crisis. Maybe your family is struggling with the pain of a loved one’s addiction. Maybe you’re dealing with the death of a family member. Maybe you don’t even remember where or how the conflict began, but now it seems like the heartache will never end.  

We want our homes and families to be a refuge of peace from the chaos of the world around us. We want to feel safe and secure in the unconditional love and stability that a healthy family can provide. When all that is ripped away, it’s normal to spiral into fear and despair. And when you feel like your family is on the brink of disaster, you might feel like even God is too far away to help you.  

If you’re feeling the pain of a family crisis, you may be tempted to give your mind over to frustration or worry. But God’s Word offers us another outlet for our most difficult times. When it feels like we can’t control what’s happening to our family, the Bible reminds us that God is in control of everything. He is all-powerful and able to save us from any situation.  

In Jeremiah 32:27, God reminds his people of his identity. He speaks directly to us with the loving but authoritative voice of a father. Instead of telling us to look at our troubles, he tells us to look at him—the Creator of the universe and the God of all things. Then, he asks a question: “Is there anything too hard for Me?” 

In times of trouble, this simple question can be our greatest comfort. When we consider who God is, we are faced with his goodness, faithfulness, and love. We are reminded of times throughout our lives when he has delivered us and blessed us. And we are encouraged to give all our worries and sorrows to him, trusting him to answer our prayers for help.  

God is the only one who can heal and deliver families from hard times. Today, remember who God is and find fresh hope for your family in his promises.