Pomerade is known as “The Most German Town in Brazil.” Pomeranian people immigrated from Pomerania, a region on the southern shore of the Baltic Sea between Germany and Poland. Fleeing from the atrocities of war, they settled in Southern Brazil.

Today, the descendants of Pomeranian immigrants total more than 500,000 people in Brazil. They’ve kept their traditions, culture, and language alive.

But sadly, there exists no Scripture in the Pomerano language, which is a Pomeranian dialect of 19th century German.

Pomerano Speakers Long for God’s Word

Pomerano speakers have a longing to read God’s Word and grow in their walk with Jesus, but they have no Scripture in their language. Pomeranian pastors are preaching the gospel message but have no biblical texts to reference or distribute to churchgoers.

Thankfully, work has began to translate Scripture into Pomerano by Bible Society of Brazil and the Pomeranian community. For this phase of Pomerano Bible translation, work will cover the books of Acts, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. It will take about three years to translate these books of the Bible. The Scriptures will also be made available in written and audio formats to reach the hearts of all community members.

As portions of Scripture are completed, they are broadcast weekly on local radio stations, reaching a broader audience with the gospel. Several pastors are using the translated Scripture in their services, outreach events, and in visitations to the elderly.

Hearing Scripture in their own language has helped the Pomeranian people feel connected to God. They are learning about God’s love for them more deeply as they hear and read his Word in their own language. But the work is not complete.

Will you join us in praying for God to bring this translation project to completion?

Let’s Pray Together:

Father, thank you for the work being done to translate the Bible into Pomerano. We pray for the Bible translation team to be strengthened. And we pray that as Pomeranian people read your Word, they will be transformed by your love.