The U.S. Military community consists of nearly 35 million service members, veterans, and family members—all of whom face unique challenges and have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom.
They need God’s Word during the ups and downs of military life.
Since 1817, American Bible Society has provided more than 60 million Bibles and Scripture engagement tools to Military members and their families. Our network of 6,200 Military chaplains and 1,000 churches help these great American heroes draw strength, healing, and hope from the Bible in their hours of greatest need.
God’s Truth for Military Children
Children of service members also need God’s Word to help them through the stress and fear that often comes with frequent relocations or when a parent is deployed. That’s why we created Hero Squad.
Hero squad is a Bible engagement program that sends Military kids and their families gift boxes that communicate God’s love and our nation’s gratitude, quarterly.
Through your faithful prayers we are able to provide biblical resources to more than four thousand Military children and parents. And God’s Word is having a huge impact on these families.
Mary* an Army wife said, “Bible verses from these devotions are really having an impact on my 11-year-old. He created and led a worship service for our backyard Vacation Bible School, he’s stopped and prayed with random people, and he’s more interested in understanding God’s Word than ever before.”
We thank God that Military heroes and their families are discovering the strength that comes from God alone. And we thank you for your passionate prayers which make it possible for us to deliver the Hero Squad program.
Please join us in continuing to pray that God’s Word will strengthen Military families and children.
3 Ways to Pray
- Pray for transformation of Military families. Pray that God’s Word and Hero Squad resources will help Military families experience God’s peace and comfort daily.
“I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:27 (CEV)
- Pray for favor with partners. Pray that through our partnerships with chaplains and local churches, we will be able to reach more Military families with these resources.
Lord our God, may your blessings be with us. Give us success in all we do! Psalm 90:17 (GNT)
- Pray for financial provision for the Hero Squad program. Ask God to move on the hearts of financial partners to give so we can provide the Hero Squad program to Military families at no cost to them.
And with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, my God will supply all your needs. Philippians 4:19 (GNT)
*Names have been changed to protect privacy