If you were a child living in rural Bolivia, you probably speak Quechua or Aymara. Your house is lit with a gas lamp or candles. And you may walk anywhere from one to three hours across unpaved roads, ravines, and rivers to get to school.

If you’re an indigenous child living in a remote community in Bolivia’s highlands, you’ve probably never heard of Jesus.

That is until now.

Come to Me

Scripture reminds us that children are important to Jesus. In Matthew 19:14 (GNT) he says, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

God wants all children to come to him, including indigenous children living in hard-to-reach areas in Bolivia. He wants to be their friend.

Bolivian Bible Society is helping to share God’s love with these children by providing a booklet with Bible stories in both Quechua and Aymara languages called, ‘!Hola! Soy Jesús, Quiero ser tu Amigo’ (Hello, I’m Jesus, I want to be your Friend). Children receive these booklets in their schools along with other biblical materials and school supplies.

And we’re happy to report that in 2019 more than 8,900 indigenous Bolivian children received God’s Word! These precious ones are now experiencing friendship with Jesus. They are reading and memorizing Scripture.

One child said, “Beforehand I want to thank all brothers, sisters for donating a Bible, and material for the school. I really enjoy reading the messages and I am sharing the messages and I am sharing with my friends from school. I think it will change our lives in our community and we will seek the way of the Lord because he will guide our lives. Thank you.”

Let’s continue to pray for the children in rural Bolivia. In 2020, the goal is to provide God’s Word to 10,000 children.

Let’s Pray Together

God, thank you that children in remote areas of Bolivia are experiencing the kingdom of heaven through your Word. We pray that they will continue to grow a deeper connection to you. And we also pray that many more children will have a chance to read your Word this year.