In Mexico the national illiteracy rate is 8.4 percent, but among indigenous peoples it is 44 percent. Although Scripture is available for 16 of the 60 plus native languages, these beautiful indigenous people need to hear the Gospel in order to understand and accept it.

Bringing God’s Word to Life

Over the past 15 years, Bible Society of Mexico has translated the Bible for native languages in Mexico. For those who cannot read or write in their own languages, they have recorded the New Testament onto audio Bibles called Proclaimers. The Proclaimer is a solar-powered digital player with an audio Bible in the local native language. Each recording on the Proclaimer is fully dramatized with music and sound effects. Church leaders and pastors use the Proclaimer in their church services, local villages, and home visits to share the Good News of Jesus.

And God’s Word is having an impact! One indigenous community is experiencing the transformative power of God’s Word as they hear it in their native language of Purepecha. Here’s what they had to say:

  • “I like Psalms very much. They have made me cry because they touch my heart. I have changed my attitudes, not 100% because I am beginning this process and it is difficult to change overnight. If I did not have the Bible my life would continue as it was before because I would not have a guide in my life.” – Josefina Barrera
  • “I had contact with the Bible before, but I never obeyed it. Here at Case de mi Padre is where I have gotten closer to it. Here is where I studied it. … the Word of God encourages you and many times you can even feel it.” – Jose Francisco Gonzales Sanchez
  • “We are sharing the Bible in audio with people who do not know about God’s Word and who do not know how to read. This Tuesday a couple accepted Jesus. The proclaimer is a very useful tool; when I visit a home, I turn it on, and it catches people’s attention …” – Pastor Aurelio Garcia Vargas

Thanks to audio Bibles thousands of indigenous people in Mexico are hearing the gospel of Jesus for the first time. Will you join us as we pray for more indigenous communities to hear the gospel of Jesus in their native language?

Let’s Pray Together

God thank you that your Word is being shared with Mexico’s indigenous people. We pray for the completion of Bible translation projects so that your Word can continue to be shared through audio Bibles. We also pray that faith in these communities will increase as your Word is being heard.