Want to know how to be a good neighbor to those around you? A new study reveals that reading the Bible is key!

American Bible Society just released the sixth chapter of the State of the Bible USA 2021 report entitled, “Good Neighbors.” In this chapter, we learn that Americans who are deeply engaged in God’s Word and in vibrant Christian community are also working for the good of their neighbors in practical, often life-changing ways.

Are You a Good Samaritan?

Scripture provides a blueprint for being a good neighbor. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus helps a teacher of the Law see that a good neighbor is one that is kind. Then Jesus says, “Go and do the same!” (Luke 10:37 CEV).

It is stories like the Good Samaritan that help guide our attitudes and actions towards others. The State of the Bible report reveals that people who are rooted in the Bible tend to epitomize neighborliness better than others. But what exactly does it mean to be neighborly? We used a Neighboring Index to measure neighborly behaviors. The most popular neighboring behavior in America is helping a stranger (51%), followed by donating to charity (38%), and volunteering in their community (20% outside of church). Not all neighboring behaviors are equally popular across generational lines. Young adults are more likely to engage in community volunteerism and helping strangers, while older adults are more likely to donate money to a charity.

The report also reveals how Scripture engagement affects our neighboring with regard to occupational respect, civic engagement and personal care, and prosocial behavior.

The Bible has always been and remains a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path. It is our guidebook on how to live out Jesus’s words in Mark 12:31 (GNT): “Love your neighbor as yourself.” That’s why we invite you to join us as we pray that Americans will turn to the Bible. Pray that its truth will shape how we treat others and live in community with one another.

Let’s Prayer Together

Father, thank you that you provide us with clear instructions and examples in your Word of what it means to be a good neighbor. Thank you that your Word inspires us to love others well. As we live in a time of polarization, disconnection, and social challenges, may Americans look to the Bible for answers to heal and rebuild their communities. We pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.

To download the first six chapters of the State of the Bible USA 2021 ebook, visit: StateoftheBible.org.