Kenya is a country of great cultural and linguistic diversity. Today, there are more than 70 different ethnic groups across the nation. And each group has its own distinct way of life—including food, dress, family traditions, and language.
Although there are varying ways of life amongst Kenya’s native people, many of these ethnic groups have one thing in common: they are still waiting for God’s Word in their tribal language.
Eighty percent of Kenya’s population is Christian—yet God’s Word is not available in every language spoken in the nation. Many church leaders read the Bible in a more traditional Kenyan language, or even English. From there, they translate it for their congregations into the local native language. But all that is changing.
Translating the Bible for All Kenyans
Through the dedicated efforts of Bible Society of Kenya, partner translation agencies, and the local church, Bible translation is making progress. So far, 21 indigenous Kenyan languages now have first-time access to the loving truth of God’s Word!
And the hunger for God’s Word continues to grow. “Communities have in recent years been placing demand on having ‘their’ Bible! It occurs to me that the Bible in their language is a source of identity and pride!” says Paul Moturi, head of operations for Bible Society of Kenya.
The people of Kenya need God’s Word. As Bible translation projects continue to move forward, would you pray them through to completion?
- Lusamia Bible for the Samia people. Translation is nearly complete and distribution will begin in early 2019. Projected impact: 420,000 speakers.
- Ekegusii Bible for the Kisii people. Translators have started revising the previous Ekegusii Bible, which has archaic words no longer in use. The target completion date is December 2019. Projected impact: 2.2 million speakers.
- Teso Bible for the Iteso people. This year, reviewers will check revisions of Old Testament books and translation of the New Testament will be completed. Projected impact: 338,000 speakers.
- Igikuria Bible for the Kuria people. Translation of the Old Testament has been under way since 2005 and is expected to be completed in 2020. Projected impact: 260,000 speakers.
Let’s Pray Together:
Father, we pray for your favor, provision, and grace for these Bible translation projects. We ask that you strengthen all the translators so that they are equipped for every good work you have in store. We also ask you to remove any obstacles that would prevent your holy Scriptures from reaching the heart of every person.