What’s Museum of the Bible?

At American Bible Society, we get excited about initiatives across the States and around the globe that inspire people to take a closer look at God’s Word. That’s why we’re inviting prayer for one of our partners—
Museum of the Bible—which is set to open on November 17, 2017, in Washington, D.C.

Museum of the Bible will exhibit 800–1,200 artifacts at any one time, and its exhibitions will tell the story of how the Bible has shaped culture, history, and ethics across the globe. Dan Murphy, part of the museum’s design group says, “Museum of the Bible will offer visitors a wonderfully rich and diverse palette of experiences, each special in its own way, all conceived to create an exciting encounter with the Bible.”

Adding to an already stunning collection of biblical manuscripts, Torah scrolls, Dead Sea scrolls, and printed Bibles and artifacts, American Bible Society will add Bibles from its Rare Bible Collection—such as the 1862 Civil War New Testament, the 1859 Pony Express Bible, and eleven volumes of Helen Keller’s 1908 raised-letter Bible.

Why Should I Pray for Museum of the Bible?

There’s a need for increased Bible awareness and increased Bible reading in America. “Over 90 percent of the homes in this country have a Bible. But I think we’re probably less familiar with it today than ever, because we don’t teach it as we once did,”
says Steve Green, chairman of the board of Museum of the Bible. “This book claims it’s for all people. So [Museum of the Bible is] an invitation for all people to come and learn about and engage with it, and hopefully they will leave with a curiosity to want to know more.”

In Mark 4:20, Jesus describes his Parable of the Sower. He says, “The seeds that fell on good ground are the people who hear and welcome the message. They produce thirty or sixty or even a hundred times as much as was planted” (CEV).

Museum of the Bible is like the farmer planting seed by sharing God’s Word with others. We have an opportunity to pray for the seed to fall on good soil—to cause hearts to respond to God’s invitation for a relationship with him.

How Can I Pray for Museum of the Bible?

1. Pray that excitement continues to build for the opening of the museum in November. Ask God to smooth the logistics from the final construction through to the grand opening.

2. Pray that people from all walks of life feel a personal invitation to explore Scripture at Museum of the Bible. Pray that as guests walk through the exhibits and spaces, their hearts and minds would be open to what God has to say to them through his Word. Pray that the museum inspires conversations about the Bible.

3. Pray that God protects the team of staff, volunteers, workers, and partners involved in this effort to elevate the story of the Bible to the world. Ask God to give them strength and endurance in the continued task of sharing his Word.

Want a sneak peak behind the scenes, before the Museum of the Bible opens in November?

Experience the Book that shapes history!