In 2007, Luis, his wife, and his 5-year-old daughter Mariah moved from Bogota, Colombia, to Brooklyn, New York, in pursuit of a better life. A devout Catholic family, the Arroyos regularly attend Sunday mass and follow the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

But recently, Luis began to notice that Mariah, who is now 15, seemed less interested in attending mass with her family and more interested in spending time with her friends.

Luis, like many Catholics, is searching for a way to guide his family in spiritual growth in an increasingly secular culture. That is why Luis has decided to participate in the Family Bible Experience.

What is the Family Bible Experience, and how can I pray for it?

The Family Bible Experience is a Bible reading program that will provide families with a Roman Catholic version of
The Books of the Bible in either English, Spanish, or Tagalog to read together. This Bible has no chapter or verse numbers, study notes, cross references, red lettering, or footnotes in order to help readers experience the Bible in a fresh, new way.

Additionally, all families participating will receive training in
Lectio Divina, an ancient method of reading the Bible that guides participants to listen to God’s voice in Scripture.

This summer, join us in praying for families like Luis’s from 30 different parishes in Brooklyn who are participating in a journey of reading Scripture together as part of the Family Bible Experience.

Let’s Pray Together:

God, we ask you to bless every family that participates in the Family Bible Experience. We pray that their relationships with one another and you will deepen as they read Scripture together. Please show each participant your love and mercy as they encounter you in your Word.