We are in a pivotal moment in history. A moment to shed light on the sin of racism and to advocate for justice for the oppressed. And this is a time for the church to lead the charge!

As we witness the unfair and oppressive treatment of African Americans in our nation, churches bear a responsilibility in healing the wounds of inequality in America.

The church is called to be an agent of reconciliation, to break down the walls of division that exist not only between God and people but also among people and people- that is people of different backgrounds. This ministry of reconciliation can only be done by leaning on God’s Word. Scripture offers the hope and healing we need to heal broken relationships and to recover from cycles of systemic racism that have plagued our country for centuries.

American Bible Society is offering local churches support by providing biblical materials on justice and race such as Scripture journeys, a leader’s guide for multi-racial discussion groups, and trauma healing resources.

As churches lead courageous conversations on the topic of racism, will you join us in praying that they’ll be agents for racial healing, justice, and reconciliation in our nation?

4 Ways you can pray for churches. Pray for:

  • Humility. It’s time to listen and learn. Pray for a spirit of humility to engage and not shy away from this difficult topic. Pray for churches to have an honest, caring, and listening heart.

    “Be happy with those who are happy, weep with those who weep.” – Romans 12:15 (GNT)

  • Wisdom and courage. Its’ time to act. Ask God to give churches wisdom and courage for practical actions to support African American communities and all those oppressed by racial injustice.

    “Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless.” – Proverbs 31:8 (GNT)

  • Love. It’s time to love. Pray for a spirit of love, care, and compassion for our brothers and sisters who have been unjustly mistreated.

    “The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them.” – John 15:13 (GNT)

  • Endurance. It’s time to persevere through change. Pray that churches will stay committed in this fight against racial injustice. Ask God to give church leaders and congregants endurance to continue in this long process of healing and justice.

    “So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we reap the harvest.” – Galatians 6:9 (GNT)